Association of Fundraising Professionals in Orange County

Fundraising can be a very frustrating profession – or a very rewarding one.  One of the best tools that fundraisers have is each other.  When you’re preparing for a major fundraising push in a nonprofit organization, it’s certainly important to speak with others who have accomplished similar goals.

In addition, it’s often a good idea to know about major donors who are either looking for more causes to support, or who are already tapped out and don’t want to be bothered further.  Joining an association of fundraisers can help you to strengthen your ties with other fundraisers, meet others, and learn tools and techniques that can be vitally important.

In addition, it’s important to learn the lay of the land, so to speak.  This is particularly true if you are new to the area where you will be fundraising.  Orange County, California, for instance, has its own unique character and its own expectations.  Becoming more familiar with the flavor of the location can help you to become a better fundraiser.