The Reality

Of the one not to relegate influence of the technologies they are which will be in the current context. I believe that the school lost and is losing much time really to insert the TICs in its projects, especially projects interdisciplinares. It is advancing, but it is an advance that happens the slow steps, when in the truth would have to be the gallop, therefore the school is losing the social race. It is lived in the digital age, then it is impracticable that still if it uses only material printed matter, chalk picture, poster, scrap iron. The necessary school to innovate, the necessary professor to dare, the technologies of the information and the communication must be inserted in the pertaining to school context more fast possible, but it is a pushing and shoving game, the government does not invest in the maintenance of the technological devices, in the qualification of the professional in this aspect. The direction of the school does not locate so that the thing happens and the professor if it accomodates ahead of the situation. When the professor to perceive that working with the technologies its work he will have a result more satisfactory, it goes to charge of the direction a position, this goes to charge of the government that it in such a way invests in the improvement of the conditions of production of the knowledge for the professor how much for the pupil.

The proper professor goes to charge of itself a new position, goes to assume the commitment of if involving of head in this new reality in order to extend its knowledge concerning the subject and of as to use these tools in its lessons, the productions of the pupils, and goes to feel the necessities in accordance with to create projects to the reality of this particular universe. In this new context it leaves gaining the pupil because a citizen of ciberespao will become, the professor who goes to feel more pleasure in carrying through its work, because this will become more attractive, more productive, and it more it will be valued by the pupil and for the parents, it leaves gaining the managers who had had the capacity to dare and summer that the school that they are managing goes to form prepared citizens full to live in this new society and goes to gain the society because it goes to receive the young one prepared virtually to work in diverse sectors, this not because it goes to know to handle a computer, but also because it more will be informed, more clarified, more conscientious of its rights and its duties, goes to produce the proper knowledge and the professor will not be plus that detainer of the knowledge, but yes the mediator of the process, and the pupil goes to learn to learn the educator together with and educating really go to be if preparing to live in this technological society that if it transforms to each day thanks to the scientific advance and that is and runs the wide steps there, or better, fly.