North American

Recognized as first the scholar to use methods systemize for the education of deficient, it was certain of that the intelligence of its pupil was educvel, from an idiocy diagnosis that had received. Another important representative of this time was also the doctor Edward Seguin (1812-1880), that, influenced for Itard, she created the physiological method of training, that consisted of stimulating the brain by means of physical and sensorial activities. Seguin was not worried only about the theoretical studies on the idiocy concept and development of an educational method, it also was dedicated to the development of services, establishing in 1837, a school stops ' ' idiotas' ' (as they were called), and still she was the first president of an organization of professionals, that currently is known as American Association on Retardamento Mental (AAMR). Montessori Maria (1870-1956) was another important educator who contributed for the evolution of the special education. Also influenced for Itard, she developed a program of training for mental deficient children, based in the systematic use and concrete object manipulation. Its techniques for the education of deficient mental had been tried in some countries of the Europe and Asia.

The methodologies developed for these three scholars, during almost all century XIX, had been used to teach to the called people ' ' idiotas' ' that they met in institutions. All these attempts of educabilidade were carried through in view of the cure or elimination of the deficiency through the education. a) THE SPECIAL EDUCATION IN BRAZIL: Some researchers already had evidenced that to describe deficient history of the Special Education for mental in Brazil is not a simple task (BLACKSMITH, 1989; EDLER, 1993; MENDES, 1995), a time that we do not find in available literature studies systemize on the subject. When we direct our look for the history of the Special Education in Brazil, verify that the evolution of special the educational attendance will go to occur with different characteristics of those observed in the European and North American countries.