
Listening to the voice of the emotions "We've been brought up with the idea of rejection, separation and pain are bad things and suffering that is considered weak or less fortunate," Manuel Barroso cultural context of emotions human beings we move in a context in which emotions are seen as a weakness rather than a potential. The thought of the last century has emphasized the use of reason, ignoring the emotions, indeed considered a weakness. Culturally we have been educated to lead us "rationally" under the premise "I think, therefore I am", downplaying the emotion and its expression, further suppressing / calming emotions. This denial of emotions creates an emotional disability undermines the common sense of people and their identity. This brings devastating consequences for humans, since emotions are a part of its own, innate, inseparable from human nature, and when we repress or deny, we are denying ourselves and living a life inauthentic. The truth is that our education system emphasizes intellectual education, but very little emotional education, so people often become educated individuals intellectually, but emotionally illiterate. In this context it is common to hear expressions such as: If you are sad or crying will think you're weak, let the anger … they'll think you're a bitter (a), do not laugh so hard …

you look so vulgar when do, control yourself, do not cry … men do not cry, etc. There are emotions like anger, fear or sadness that in some contexts, are not socially accepted, therefore, we try to deny or camouflage.


' ' For this optics, it is perceivable to understand the education as complex phenomenon that, as practical social, is carried through by and with human beings, but modified by the action and relation of the involved citizens, professor and pupil. this points in them with respect to a distanciamento of the understanding of the didactics, originally sight inside of the normative scope, as 2 considered Comnio i, under the prism of the lapsing of methods and technique to teach that, still today, it appears arraigada in the mind of many professors. In this direction, if in it designates a ressignificao to them of the didactics, the one that brings for the bulge of the quarrel the practical professor as base for the constitution of new knowing in didactics. Still according to related author, they are the demands of the practical ones that they go to give the configuration knowing of them above designated, a time that education occurs in specific social contexts, as the lessons, the schools, the systems of education and, in this case ' ' the task of the Didactics is to understand the functioning of education in situation, its social functions, its structural implications; to carry through an auto-reflexiva action as component of the phenomenon that studies, because it is integrant part of the tram of teaching (and not a external perspective that it analyzes and it considers practical to teach); to set in relation and dialogue with other fields of constructed knowledge and in construction, a perspective mlti and to interdisciplinar, because education if does not decide with an only look; to proceed the constant critical rockings from the knowledge produced in its field (the techniques, the methods, the theories), stops of it if to appropriate, and to create new ahead of the new necessities that the situations to teach produzem.' ' (ANASTASIOU, 2002, p.49) If on the other hand this prism presented for the author in them extends the direction of the didactics that, distanciando itself of the false one idea to have as north ' ' valid creation of techniques and methods that can be applied to any situation of ensino' ' (Idem, ibidem, P.) on the other hand it approaches in them to the understanding of that the actions that the activity to teach demands to know on the basis of them accumulated its true object of study consists.

Physical Education

The lessons must provide to the pupil the learning by means of the reflexiva abstraction, that is, must be given it chance to it for anger beyond practical intelligence on and by means of this content, considering it as a knowledge socially constructed and historically contextualizado. Therefore, so that the objectives of the lessons are reached it is necessary that the children are defied to solve problems or to face situations that need forms to think different of those used ones until then. A significant learning demands, beyond the interlocution and of the experimentation of the movement of the body in the space and the use of the mental structures to relate the received stimulatons forming clear concepts. Thus being, for Delore (2000), since infancy the necessary human being to know and to acquire learning to know, to learn to make, to learn to live together and to learn to be. Currently, the area of the Physical Education evolved in such a way that it encloses multiples knowledge produced and usufructed for the society in general related to the body and of the movement. Between them, if they consider basic the cultural activities of movement with leisure purposes, expression of feelings, affection and emotions, and still with possibilities of maintenance, promotion and recovery of the health. Kunz (2001), also believes that Physical education must develop the Social Function and Politics, and affirms that it is inherent to all its pedagogical action, and that through this action, its practical especificidade could be transformed into desirable pedagogical tasks. In such a way the relation between body and movement inside of the pertaining to school context makes possible to the pupils the development of the capacities and motor abilities in order to inside assist the construction of diverse knowledge of the process of human development. The sport and the games ahead of the proposal curricular of the So Paulo project make school.