Education and Integration

Initially one of the strong beliefs of Simon Rodriguez, trainer of men free and recognized widely in the history of the bicentennial in Latin America as the educator of Simon Bolivar, the main instigator and deliverer for the independence of five South American Nations. That belief was always offer na education in search of equality, equity and the social, cultural and ideological integration. Simon Rodriguez believed that with their conceptions of equality could substantiate the basis for a quality education that is structured in a clear way on two important concepts and they dignify in every sense to any human being, that people have the opportunity for productive work and educate yourself on the most important aspects of reality. Thanks to the so marked influence of Simon Rodriguez to the power of illustration, its plateamientos on education in Latin America are fundamental. Simon Rodriguez always emphasized that the best way to learn something in life is to interact with it and although the books It was important information when carried out a precise action for learning the skills are more easily acquired. We must interact directly with the environment, with the environment to learn from him. Can you believe then that the theoretical concepts of education of Simon Rodriguez are structured in a socialism of utopian, that only approaching perfection difficult and features very complicated to achieve. Today many of its Socialist perceptions both of education, equality, Government and control of the State and adjacent to it, powers are the basis of the Venezuelan Government of Hugo Chavez, who speaks and alludes to a new socialism, a socialism of 21st century. According to the education the legacy left by Simon Rodriguez is very important as it presents education as something as well as an inalienable human right, totally, for which everyone should have the opportunity to access and thus integrate into society, know it, recognize it and so be able to subsist therein and be highly competitive.