Republic University

There is no doubt, that many concerns, controversy, opinions, it has generated the new Education Act adopted by the National Assembly on 23 December 2010, but fortunately the President of the Republic, Hugo Chavez cold, taking into account that this originated, has vetoed it by now and invited the main actors involved to discuss it in order to make the necessary reformsensuring many legal topics that violate as indicated by the Constitution and determine its scope in a way efficient, effective to benefit the education of the country. The new Assembly national (AN) at its first ordinary meeting carried out 11 Tuesday, unanimously lifted the sanction to the law of education of universities, LEU, vetoed last January by the President of the Republic, Hugo Chavez 04. The fact, that in the debate must be well rinsed institutional principles as: University autonomy, freedom of thought, plurality, participation of all players that it involves guaranteeing democracy in all its operation, functionality, what Constitution says. The important thing of it all, has been the reaction of the universities, of all your University community, involving its main actors: teachers, students, administrative staff, workers who have begun to discuss the content of the law to make known their views, proposals which lead to positive results for the Venezuelan education, where all this sheltered a uniform approach fully accepted by all. Thus, a group of student leaders from different universities in the country already attended the National Assembly, to record a document in support of the University Education Act, at the time that took the opportunity to deliver proposals that could be included in the report for the second discussion of the standard of University Education Universities Act, it should be noted and further elements which they believe are important among student organizationsCouncils of student people power, organizations need more clarity in the definition and structure should fulfil this student initiative since then, corresponds to the University authorities also carried out meetings, discussions with your community, to publicize the scope, implications of the law where involved everyone, without any discrimination that isconsider the administrative staff, workers, students, teachers.

Monica Lopez Education

This network is an initiative of the Department of human development, education and culture of the Organization of American States (OAS) and offers to leaders in education from 34 countries members of the Organization, a professional space for sharing knowledge, experiences, research and good practices in the field of teacher training. This strategy is a network of professional leaders in education of all levels and modalities that share knowledge, experiences, research and good practices in the field of teacher training. In addition, it offers a space for discussion to all those involved in teacher education in the Americas. The members of this community can participate in professional discussions in blogs and forums, upload and download videos, photos, articles, among other things. From this week the teachers can participate in this virtual entering the OAS web site, construction in. This community is the largest of its kind with around 60 million teachers in the world, those who play a key role in the preparation of young generations who will perform in an interconnected and interdependent world. Similarly, is a space through which will strengthen the quality of education in the Member countries of the Organization, and in turn strengthen the actions that allow the improvement of the quality of education in Colombia.

The RIED was released during the meeting of the Inter-American Commission of education (CIE) on November 10, 2010 in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in which participated as a representative of the Ministry of national education the Director quality of preschool education, basic and middle, Monica Lopez. This initiative is also aimed at creators of policies, researchers, future teachers, teachers in service and other interest groups, who can interact with their peers through the web, learn about innovations in the theme, employment opportunities, and online learning opportunities. Be part of this construction by improving the quality of education in the region.