LBV Children

The Legion of the Good will (LBV) promotes, friday, 16 of September, to the 16 hours, a lecture with the subject: ' ' Educating the children to the light of the espiritualidade Ecumnica' ' , given for the ambassador of the Religion of God, Peter Rafael Valadares, for the families taken care of for the Institution in this mining city. The socioeducativa action will happen in the Communitarian Center of Social Assistance, that takes care of children in situation of social vulnerability, by means of program LBV? Child: Future in the Gift! objective to contribute for the formation of the ecumenical citizen. Beyond this initiative, with the support of the LBV, the families of the taken care of children, and the population in general, receives attendance by means of the campaigns Child Note 10? Without Education it does not have Future! ; I Help Mudar! , Permanent Christmas of the LBV? Jesus, the Bread Ours of each day! ALONE Calamities. It visits, it is gotten passionate and it helped the LBV! In Ipatinga, MG, the Communitarian Center of Social Assistance, the Legion of Good will, is located in the Street Patrician Joo of Arajo, 225? Venice I. Other information for the telephone: (31) 3822-8600.