Basics Seminar Bach

The Bach INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME (beep) international training program – level 1, 2 and 3 the Bach INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME (beep) discovered in the 1930s the English physician and homeopath Dr. Edward Bach wild growing plants, positively, to affect emotionally stressful conditions such as anxiety or impatience. He succeeded 37 plants and a source water an easy to develop secure and integrated system that is easy to understand and free of side effects. Dr. Bach believed that each of us is responsible for his well-being and his health. In a gentle way, the Bach flower remedies to restore inner balance and pave the way for the recovery of body, spirit and soul. With the international training program of Dr.

Edward Bach Foundation, it is today people all over the world possible to learn how to apply the remedies within the meaning of Dr Bach’s and how to help yourself and others so. “We in the Bach Centre have committed ourselves to continue Dr Bach’s work and in its simplicity” receive – and it is a great pleasure and honor us.” Judy Clement Howard (Director of the Bach Centre, England) Basics Seminar (level 1) mediation of sound fundamentals objective of the seminar, to facilitate the ease of use of Bach flowers in your life. Continuing vocational training, the desire to help others feel the need to do something good for yourself: the reasons on a level 1 seminar to participate are as varied and individual as the usage possibilities of the flower essences. In a relaxed atmosphere, learn the 38 Bach flower remedies and RESCUE. In exercises with numerous case examples from the practice you can immediately implement what you learned and strengthened. An introduction to the philosophy of Dr. Bach, detailed q & a sessions and an insight into the work of the Bach Centre, complete the basic course.


I, the undersigned, being of sound mind and clear memory of the day I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life for themselves. I am a person who loves to live. Therefore, I seek not just to survive but to live with dignity, full advantage of all the good things of life. But I realize that nothing is taken for granted, simply because what I want, so I strive to be successful in every area of your life. As a reasonable person, I understand that there is a law Cause and Effect, whereby in every phenomenon there gave birth to his cause.

And that reason is not visible or obvious, does not mean that it is not. What I got and I'm now in my life, also has a cause. AND reason for this – my choice. Every day, every hour, every minute I make a choice. Small or big. Significant or not. Pleasant or unpleasant.

Consciously or subconsciously. To act or not. And even the decision not to do choice – a choice too. And this whole series of elections in the amount of brings me closer to success or alienated from it. I understand that in whatever way I did not choose, consciously or unconsciously, under pressure or not, I'm doing it, because I want and I think most beneficial to themselves and, therefore, only I am responsible for what happens to me in life. The choice made by me in yesterday, gives the result today. The choices that I made today, will result tomorrow. That is why from today I start to make informed choices. I pledge to make decisions that bring me to success, rather than alienate him. As of today I do choice myself, but do not let yourself do it for someone another. After all, I understand that if I follow the choices made for me, it's just my choice. From now on, I choose to take responsibility for their lives for themselves. I promise not to shift responsibility to others State laws, circumstances, destiny, because it is unproductive and does not lead me to success. As of today I do choice to live life with joy and pleasure. Because we realize that to be a bleak, miserable and unsuccessful, it is also my choice, but I do not want. From now on, I choose to tell people about principle of responsibility. Because we realize that the more people become responsible for their own lives, the more harmonious environment I live, and it helps me even more success.

Coaching and Education

In the wake of – crises require decisions – decisions require great depression knowledge women are half of all employees… The proportion of female managers should be in top positions of German companies on average only 10%… Many women want to make a career, but few succeed. Studies have so far shown: men with the same qualifications to occupy higher positions than their female colleagues in the hierarchy of a company. Some studies questioning the reasons: the compatibility of career and family is difficult? Is it still the structural circumstances? The women are about “fault”, because they are less trained, her career goals to pursue vigorously the cause for this result could be many reasons. Some reasons have social backgrounds, show some knowledge of the opportunities at the right time the person himself…

Apparently we have in our society with the still widely used Understanding of the role to do. Studies, international and national, proved not only a different communication style between women and men. No, they were also a different approach when it comes to represent the professional interests and to enforce. We do not employ us here to lift grown structures. Why also? Rather, we see a virtue in that differences may exist. Exactly this diversity can be moistened as an opportunity.

Just now can show up very crucial training for success in the economic crisis. A coaching education can be important not only for a professional career. Successfully used a trained coach for example: collegial case processing, moderation of groups, Losungsfokussiertes, Perspektivenwelchsel, nonviolent communication, etc. She can be used as well as in private life. Not for nothing a coaching includes training areas such as: non-violent communication, communication after Schulz von Thun, comprehensive insight into the method NLP/neuro linguistic programming, moderation of groups that regard interaction in the systemic environment, cooperative case handling and supervision by the education management coaching cases from practice, Burnout Syndrome, intervention in the coaching, creative methods, Losungsfokussiertes work, confrontation and provocation in coaching, the Interior team according to Schulz von Thun, work with metaphors, change of perspective, team development process u.v.m. A basic knowledge which is used for the different work areas, fields of activity. In addition, learning various forms of coaching belong to a good solid coach training. As coaching, job – and Karrierecoaching, the Motivationscoaching etc. A coaching training solves many “nodes” in the private sector. So this may very well for the development of private uses are. Conflict resolutions, dealing with problems up to the detection of existing family structures. The broad based knowledge enables a more subsequent specialization in different areas. 1 certification exam: written coaching practice case description 2 exam: oral Colloquium – case studies, which will be presented in the context of a presentation prepared.