Seminar Mass Training

Professional trade fair communication and tracking in this course is to ensure the expertise of the conversation as well as to coordinate the distribution of roles among the participating employees. At the same time, the trade fair objectives on the part of the Executive Board must be clearly defined and communicated to the participating employees. Only in the last step the whole team of exhibitors is in terms of fair behaviour and his fit to make. This exhibition training with practical character”reflects and optimizes the appearance and behavior of your booth staff. Your staff with current strategies are at the same time and made – for effective customer response measurement, as well as a demand-oriented and goal-oriented interviewing of visitors familiar result: successful talks and more qualified leads! As a trade show exhibitor you will be after this seminar able to estimate what visitors to speak are and which are not and how they initiate the fair conversation successfully with the appropriate opening questions and interview techniques and can lead. The special feature of this open trade fair training is that we cannot use actual booths on the Deutsche Messe Hannover in addition to the actual part of the training for individual practical exercises as realistic as possible to form off the trade talks. “” Objectives and contents of this seminar include: goals and expectations of visitors of DOS and Don’ts in the behavior of the knife and contact your trade fair appearance: important steps for a successful adjustment and preparation body language, appearance and appearance participants check “: fair types and stylish conversation strategy conversation getting started: the correct opening questions about the opening effective leadership techniques for exhibition talking degree in the trade fair contact: adoption and whereabouts after the conversation is before the conversation”: The seminar at experts and executives from exhibitors of all industries are aimed at consistent follow-up system and fair while tracking, plan which exhibitions or your Fair want to make professionally and successfully.

Technical Study

If you are a student or have children who study probably you’ve heard about the importance of implementing appropriate study techniques to succeed in their learning process. Education professionals tend to train their students in the handling of certain study techniques such as underlining, the realization of schemes and construction of abstracts in the hours of tutoring, educational or even in regular classroom support. However, the rate of failure and dropout fires each time. What can this fact be due? The majority of students applied techniques of study involving a single sensory pathway: the visual. Indeed in schools, most of the information is still transmitted equal that was done in the last century, i.e.

in graphic books, posters or blackboards supports. Many researchers believe that the process of learning to study demand a multisensory training, where students can smell, touch, see, hear or even taste what they are studying. This makes little sense if we take into account that the majority of the events that we remember with ease are related smells, sounds, colors, touch or certain flavors. Other discoveries suggest they are intrinsic to the student factors as they are the attitude or motivation, those that will determine the success in studies and advising teachers training in strategies to promote the development of personal skills in students. This does not mean that the learning of traditional survey techniques is not necessary to learn how to study, but that they can improve their effectiveness if they are supplemented by other techniques that involve a greater number of senses such as the viewing of small videos on Youtube or interview with an expert on the subject. If anything is clear is that learning to study is a process that lasts a lifetime, which improves with practice and that as it says in the title, goes beyond the learning and mastery of traditional techniques of study..