The Culture

No less effective stimulants were corn steep liquor and yeast karatinoidnye. In aqueous emulsions of corn steep liquor (5 mg / l), the number of bacteria reached 0.5, and karatinoidnyh yeast (5 mg / L) – 0.4 mln.kl. / ml. Making them into the culture medium allowed to maintain a supply of trophic brahionusa at a high enough level. During the experiment (11 days) in the number of bacteria ranged from cultivators to 116.8 223.7 mln.kl.

/ ml. The results are show that stimulation of growth of bacteria when cultured brahionusa, other species of rotifers most efficient use of feed mixtures of fodder (hydrolysis) of yeast enriched with 6% lysine (10 mg / L) corn steep liquor (5 mg / l), karatinoidnyh yeast (5 mg / l) and chlorella (1.5 – 2.0 mln.kl. / ml). Each component must be soaked for 20-24 hours prior to the introduction of cultivators. Chlorella should be made fresh daily.

To obtain Culture brahionusa used dried resting eggs, harvested early. After drying at 35-40 C temperamtype they remain viable for at least 4 years. Original culture can brahionusa receive introducing a small amount of resting eggs (3-5 mg) in a glass of water 50 ml, containing at 24-26 C. The period of egg development for about 3-4 days. The day before hatching of juveniles, to ensure food needs, the glasses have made the culture of Chlorella, the rate of 2.0-2.5 mln.kl. / ml. After the appearance of juveniles initially seated in the small blood vessels (100-150 ml) and with increasing numbers of culture depending on the needs were transferred to larger capacity.