Independent University

I go away with the pre-Socratic ones, and I am especially going to announce Heraclitus of Efeso that was a philosopher that decia that the knowledge was integrated the fire, the essence to live, of poider to discern the mental thing with the emotional thing, and I go to hecr a length I jump, but nowadays in the classrooms, it is perceived but the emcional that the mental thing. Even though that exists a neurologist who has studied much to the brain, (encephalic system lmbico-) and she says that science neuroplasticidad takes to us of the hand, and it explains comolas to us neurons that they are dying, they are moved by others mismositio, place, and that continuous the functions that those realised sometimes it. but that exists but, that is the activity, the will, the skill, the discipline, the imagination, the dreams, fantacias, the love, the pride, and to work conmucho taste, elaborating the reading and writing day after day. Retaking to Heraclitus de Efeso, he was one of first at his time that entendio, work, the simplicity and the complexity. I am educational doctor of the Independent University of Jurez City, I take to approximately nine years exerting the professor work, and have detected that he exists a resistance to the movement, a laziness, an apathy, a conformism and the inferiority complex in the classrooms, when to distribute chair, that very lamentable, that us this winning cellular one, and the computer, sun very valuable elements, but we are those that we let ourselves take but time them, there, this one of granfdes problems, so that excelenrte can exisitir one eseanza and learning.