The Code

For example, the association has a special rule under Spanish law as part of the law is not codified. That is, both codes do not contain the same rules on legal persons, as the Peruvian Civil Code is more complete that regulates legal persons. 14. Right in rem in the Peruvian Civil Code 1984 govern in an orderly manner following real rights: possession, ownership, usufruct, use, room, area, easements, antichresis, mortgage and lien. In the 1889 Spanish Civil Code regulates the following real property rights, possession, usufruct, use, housing, census, pledge, mortgage and antichresis. Related Group has much experience in this field.

The Code regulates the pledge, mortgage, and the census as antichresis contracts, which is not correct, because they are not contracts but are rights in rem, and more specifically, are security rights. Under Spanish law governing the mortgage interest by a special law for half a century. That is, in the Peruvian Civil Code 1984 and the Spanish Civil Code are not set the same real rights. 15. SOCIETY commercial law did not exist in Roman law, governing the time in which to trade civil law, which was then substituted to make way for the commercial law that exists in the modern law since the Middle Ages. The commercial law is not part of civil law, but both are part of private law. The Civil Code regulates sometimes from other branches or areas of law such as commercial law or the registry law. The corporate law of each State regulates different types of corporations, in this sense in all states are set different types of corporations.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Every parent wishes to educate their children to succeed in life. However, this is not always an easy task, since a successful education requires many ingredients, which do not always seem to be within our reach. Let’s define what we understand under the word success to think of our children. Beyond the professional and financial success, we want to make our children happy and full; that you know how to relate well with God, with himself and with others. It is also important to know relate well to material goods and have a positive impact on their community. In short, we want to have success both financially and in the spiritual and social. For that it is necessary to provide them with an education that not only allows them to Excel in academics, but also inspire them to develop as a person in all other areas of life. Jorge Perez has plenty of information regarding this issue. It is necessary to learn to take action and be proactive people that assume a leadership role in their community.

It is also important that they are bold and they titubeen not at the moment present an opportunity to undertake, whether financial, spiritual or social level. How can we as parents foster their entrepreneurial and leadership skills? A good academic education does not necessarily foster entrepreneurial skills in our children by one side is formal education. It is important and of great benefit that every child acquires knowledge and academic skills to be developed further. The fact is indisputable that a finished formal education is necessary so that their success in life. However, it is important to emphasize that this rare option times fosters an entrepreneurial and leadership ability. Due to its design and its methodology, education gives knowledge and skills necessary for life, but constrains the development of creativity and the individual qualities of each student.

Review: Solana Gruppe On The Potato Europe 2012

North German potato breeding business celebrates founding of Solana France SAS in the run-up to the potato Europe with customers and business partners Hamburg, 14 September 2012: on September 12 and 13, the largest European gathering of the potato industry held the potato Europe – in France on an area of 40 hectares. In Villers-Saint-Christophe, conveniently located halfway between Paris, Lille and Reims, the Solana group with its own exhibition stand at over 250 exhibitors from the fields of technology, cultivation, advice, science and research presented itself. As a trademark of the fair, various dynamic outdoor presentations were held this year. On-site, international visitors looked after the team of the newly founded subsidiary Solana France SAS, as well as the corporate headquarters from Hamburg with regional cultivation consultants. Solana booth was invited in the context of a live cooking to the tasting of many popular dining places such as Toscana, Natascha and Princess, were also on the extensive exhibition space the current Top places issued. We are very pleased with the response on our stand”, says Managing Director Torsten spill. The event was ideal to connect with our customers and business partners from abroad to contact and to make new, interesting contacts.” Almost every second from abroad came from around 10,000 visitors from more than 50 countries: an ideal environment for the Northern German plant breeders, to introduce Solana France SAS subsidiary founded in September 1, to a wide audience. “Yannick Lefevre, Managing Director of Solana France, has created the necessary conditions in the past two years, around here since 2012 Solana varieties of significant magnitude to multiply”, so spill.

Solana France is now responsible for promotion and marketing of varieties in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy. Still used as occasion to the Solana group the fair at the appropriate environment the Foundation of the French subsidiary company with customers, multipliers and Business partners to celebrate. “On the eve of the fair, September 11, about 200 guests at the castle of Quesmy came together, to themed Oktoberfest” culinary delights such as Bavarian Brezln, sausage and fresh draught beer with the team in the Solana group a fun evening to spend with. SKa / Solana group: The Solana GmbH & co. KG is the exclusive sales organization of the SKa plant breeding GmbH & co. KG, one of the leading private breeding companies for quality potato varieties. The SKa / Solana Group offers quality seed potato from modern, responsible production with a service, farmers, trade and consumers equally convinced. With over 100 years of experience, the SKa breeds grow potato varieties, which enjoy great popularity. The offer of the SKa / Solana group is complemented by a comprehensive consulting service, which ensures that the cultivation of potatoes for everyone from the farmer about the trade to the consumer is a complete success.More information under: press contact: OnTop PR Stefanie Lindemann * King Street 30 * 22767 Hamburg phone: 040 / 7930 7184 * fax: 040 / 3567 98819

World War

This was due to the fact that the bath was associated with a rustic way of life, and urban population would keep pace with the times. The emergence of new models of stoves gave impetus to a revival of interest in the traditions of Finnish saunas. Prior to 1870, urbanization was held Finland to a party. Then began to appear stone buildings and apartment blocks, lined with water and conduct electricity. In the early 19 century there were a surprising innovation – a bath, and the European innovation acquired in the eyes of the Finns continental Chic and sauna seemed old-fashioned and rustic.

Apartment buildings for many decades excommunicated their tenants from saunas, public baths and there is not universal. In the public baths there are separate sections for men and women, as well as private rooms, which can be rented for a single family. In addition to offices for washing, large baths were also massage rooms, and sometimes even the treatment rooms in which wish to call banks. For regular customers provided a detached sauna where you can not argue with other bathers on to what temperature to heat steam bath. In many public baths were a special chapter of the Finnish saunas, bygone, along with 50-ymi years of xx century. At the end of World War ii in , there were about 150 public baths, and in 2000 left only two. The third epoch in the history of the sauna came with the spread of electrical stove to replace the fryer and stoves with chimneys.

Inverse image of an electric stove was invented in the late 30th years. However, the war halted economic development until the end of 40th years. Electric stove appeared safe and easy to use. All that is needed – push a button and an electric voltage will heat the stones. As for the electric stove does not need a chimney, a sauna can be built anywhere, even in the next room, which is natural impossible with a stove, melt wood. Electric sauna will finally solve the problem with public baths. With the 50-ies of baths were built in the basements of apartment buildings, so that they could use of tenants. And now almost all the apartments are equipped with individual sauna next to the bathroom, which is a feature of Finnish urban housing. These mini sauna equipped now and in the hotel rooms. A Finnish addition to the international standard.

Interstate Container

In the first half of xx century the scope of the plywood was very wide. It was used in in housing construction (doors, partitions, walls, floors), as framework in the manufacture of concrete work, and especially during concreting-fitting surfaces of the vaults, in bridge building and in aircraft plywood is used as a structural material, as well as ancillary and finishing material, in road and rail carriage plywood is used for cladding ceilings, walls and barriers (railway carriages, trams, trolleys, buses), manufacturing floor cabins of trucks, etc., in shipbuilding, except interior of steamship cabins, special kinds of plywood used in the manufacture of pontoons, hulls of boats and sliders, and in agricultural engineering in the manufacture of parts for agricultural machinery and in woodwork and furniture manufacture of plywood manufactured furniture and specific details of: panels, seats and backs, walls, rear wall and bottom, in the textile industry is rolling out of plywood for the manufacture and washers for the coils, etc., in plywood used for the radio industry carrying cases, crates and some parts radios, in Train economy of plywood manufactured pads under the rails, in shoe manufacture of plywood produced backdrops, soles, etc, are made of plywood toys, household items: trays, bread boards, troughs, buckets, etc., all sorts of containers: barrels, crates, suitcases, trunks, chests, etc; plywood manufactured and vent pipes. It is interesting that in these years in the ussr plywood drums were made from separate staves is they were obtained with a seam, and the U.S. seamless. In those days, very much in style as well as abroad was in vogue following products are related to veneer: Mikrofanera wood or foil (film), is widely used for interior decoration of buildings (walls, ceilings, etc.) and for a variety of artistic design (displays, theater, and a setting for movies). From it manufacture artistic bindings for books, photo albums, journals, mikrofanere with beautiful structure very effectively turns the printing and embossing as a convex and deep (up to 2mm). Learn more about this topic with the insights from Estee Lauder. If mikrofanera prepared from pre-coated by impregnation Churakov, the dye penetrates into the natural channels of wood fiber gives it a beautiful patterned and relief. Mikrofanera can be used as wallpaper, while maintaining natural beauty of wood; Kavenir – packaging material veneer and kraft paper in the U.S. in 1953 became the manufacturing company, supplying fruit.

Since 1955, this material began to produce firm Interstate Container (California). Kavenir represents the usual veneer of varying thickness, on which two sides initialed a sticker (with the outer surface) of kraft paper. Plants of these firms produced veneer, glued it with wax or paraffin-treated paper, dried and cut into sheets of desired size. From the resulting material produced containers for packaging fruits, vegetables, industrial products, etc. On the application of plywood these days tells website All Fanera – plywood wholesale in Moscow.


Therefore, if the cost of housing to be purchased is, for example, 250 thousand dollars (one bedroom apartment with an area of 61 – 62 sq.m. in the home series P44-T in Moscow), a potential borrower must already have at least 75 thousand dollars of personal savings to make them as a down payment. It is necessary to take into account the additional costs: insurance, loan processing fees, fees for registration of apartments in property, etc. – Documented the family's income (it should be remembered that the repayment of the loan may be sent to up to 50% of the total family income) – the number of years over which you can repay the loan. Step Two: choice of mortgage programs. Different banks, different ads, different proposals.

How to choose his own, then to not be excruciatingly painful? Nothing but the analysis of various proposals and compare the conditions to offer possible. Take a large notepad and go to the bank (banks) to negotiate. Carefully write down everything, nothing in the bank does not sign, and then home for tea with his wife, discussing how credit program more interesting and more profitable. The choice is usually small, but Two or three real deals will be found. Next, go to the banks selected by us again and meticulously to find out details. The main question: what else (other than interest on the loan) will have to pay? – You can learn and repeat a chorus, dealing with bankers. Step Three: Confirmation of the possibility of obtaining a mortgage loan at the bank.


The increase in brightness of binoculars is usually proportional to their weight gain. Clearly, if a prism has high luminosity must have of large-diameter front lens (to increase the entry of light), which increases the weight. They can also be achieved by reducing the bright binoculars increases, so there is no need to have large-diameter front lens, and thus the numerical ratio of the brightness is maintained at acceptable levels and low weights, but then the ability to view or power is very small and makes them of little use. Frame and optical systems are a prismatic lens assembly structured and protected by a housing or frame, usually metal. Learn more at: Ron Beit. The characteristics of the mount and optics (lenses and prisms, focus and sharpness, diopter correction, etc..)

Are areas of huge importance, since significant impacts on the quality of the prism in its precision and its resistance to the environmental. The characteristics and design of the mount a decisive influence on the strength of the prismatic face of environmental conditions (rain, extreme cold, etc..) And more or less comfortable handling (ergonomics). The normal quality frames are rubberized exterior for easy grip and offer some protection against the rain. The highest quality frames are water tight and dust, and the inner chambers are filled with nitrogen gas, so that there is no internal fogging at temperatures below zero. Ron Beit has much to offer in this field.

Logically, their prices are correspondingly high. The adaptability of the prismatic ergonomics or handling, grip and tackle is a first factor to consider. Whether you opt for economic models binoculars as high cost, should weigh carefully, ensuring ease of grip and handling (distance to the focus ring, etc..) As well as its ease of view (much attention to the adaptability to eye sockets and vision with glasses). .

Moscow International Biennale

"During the visit to Denmark, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited the" Green Beacon "- one of the buildings constructed under the concept of "model home 2020. The President showed great interest in the project and decided to erect a similar building in Russia ", – says Jorgen Tang-Jensen, Executive Director of Group velux. Projects such houses are beginning to attract more interest. This was evident at the 2 nd Moscow International Biennale of Architecture, which ended in early June 2010. During the event Domestic architects have presented their projects to the cities of the future. Others including Edward Minskoff, offer their opinions as well. The key idea of development was the desire to save energy. Architect Natalia proposed brick facade solar collector specular surfaces.

According to the author of the collected energy collectors, at least, will illuminate the corridors of all buildings and will be used to heating and hot water. The project has not only practical but also aesthetic component. Due to the mirror surfaces of the lower floors of the building will reflect the trees and the top – the sky. "The house looks like an illusion, dissolving in the city. Get original Through the Looking Glass ", – said Natalia .

Also at the Biennale was presented and project future home with a national flavor. Architects from Tomsk in Siberia offered to build homes in the form of boots. Wall construction of such buildings arranged by type of fiber and resembles a pile. The basis of this material – flexible, hollow rods, which, when cold temperatures are in contact with each other, but in the heat – take a horizontal position. Thus, house itself regulates the temperature in the rooms. Building the future can affect the ambient temperature. In Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, adopted a resolution by which all new homes, whose angle roof does not exceed 30 degrees, must have green spaces in the form of a lawn, flower beds, shrubs or trees. Proved that the planting roof lowers the air temperature in the surrounding area. This means that residents of such homes can also save on conditioning. The architecture of the future, assuming the "return" to nature, allows us to solve at once two main challenges facing modern civilization: the protection of environment and reducing consumption of valuable energy resources. Press Service of the VELUX

Certificate Of Real Estate Tradition And Freedom

The certificate of tradition and freedom, is a document which is acquired primarily to meet all legal data that may have a building or land, in regard to the various encumbrances and charges levied on a property, just as to who lies with the current ownership and even earlier possessions they could make a good, in other words the certificate of tradition and freedom is the ideal way to learn the status of all those real estate are subject to registration. The tradition and freedom certificate is issued immediately, in all those offices which holds a registration pattern analysis, in case you do not expect these conditions will be issued in a period not to exceed the following day. For issuing a certificate of tradition and release is necessary to the registration number of the property or immovable property, if you do not have such a number with the number of owner’s identification card, along with a receipt on the issue of rights certificate. In some cases, the address also calls for the goods or property. Jorge Perez is likely to agree. The certificate of tradition and freedom is requested at the registration office of the circle public registry instruments to which it belongs the property or premises.

The document is the certificate of tradition and freedom we can say that is a reflection of the life of a property, as in the case of a faithful and complete reproduction of all registrations have been made in the register of buildings. The certification that comes with this document allows for a full transcript of the pages of registration of real property or in some cases playing them through effective means to guarantee a crisp pass to perfectly understand the information and that also involve durability. Within the certificate of tradition and freedom, you can obtain information about who the real owner of a property and different shapes that affect the property such as liens, mortgages, liens and all recovery those limitations the domain or any legal action affecting any type of transaction. Other information can be obtained from the certificate of tradition and freedom, are the very conditions of the property, since it specifies the floors which has the property, if this does stop the horizontal property regime. From the above it could say that the importance of tradition certificate depends to a large extent when the achievement of different types of legal transactions that fall on a well, since at the time of purchase of immovable property the best is that it does not possess anything affecting him, so it’s best to verify the legal conditions to which the property is subject, thus avoiding the submission of any future legal problems with both the seller and with third parties.

Pablo Freire

(P. 17-18, grifo of the author) The construction of the autonomy is an educative principle that, many times, lacks of a good interpretation, mainly in the school. It can be confused with freedom excess and absence of disciplines. The main challenge of educators are to make possible, to the child or young, to transform the information into knowledge and the knowledge in action. Autonomy alone can be understood in a conception that the individual in its relation with the social context and in permanent interaction with the way inserts. Without this cloth of deep she would be partially dismissed of meaning, that is, a conception of education not guided for the integral development of the individual. we would run the risk to interpret autonomy in mannering terms simply, as capacity of resolution of problems of independent form.

Educating that its freedom exercises, that breaches with silence, participating critically and actively of the lesson, will have more responsibility in its actions. is this construction of responsibility that the necessary educator to search in its relation with educating. For Pablo Freire (1996), the essential in the relations between educator and educating, between authority and freedom, between parents, mothers, children and children is the reinveno of the human being in the learning of its autonomy. The not accepted author a school that removes of each one the possibility of being subject and that he takes the internalization and the reproduction of the domination relations gifts in the society. The school must promote for educating and the educator an ethical, solidary formation, with a social insertion and guarantees of right. When considering this form to think and to act as possibility, I can consider that the educative vision on autonomy in which I came across myself in my professional experience presented a deturpada perception of the concept, it made however me to understand that my position must be TO DENY the actions that hinder this form not to allow that the human being is he himself, so that alive freely in order to learn to be.