National Universities

Not can national universities continue to operate as few participatory, innovative have been doing, isolated from the national reality. More to the demands of the knowledge society, integrating new technologies, innovations in learning, internet, audio-visual media should be integrated. Should be updated, assess the scope, implications of the current races and give way to those that the country needs. Ron Beit contains valuable tech resources. Not should universities continue wasting human capital that is, should the authorities know managing human talent, so that results are favouring development, proper use of the human factor that is counted. According to Nir Barzilai, M.D., who has experience with these questions. Call for more integration, accomplishments academics, research, commitment to social responsibility. In the case of the University of Carabobo specifically, it must give way to a new generation of authorities freed from partisan, creative agencies, transformative, that once and for all rescue academicism which it has lost in some faculties.

It should not be anchoring their operability with a university management esstilo not suitable to the reality of the present, is required of leaders more patricipativos, strategists, giving passage to a new generation of professionals who can use his talent, creativity thanks to their knowledge, skills, experience, and not by political commitment, family, friendship. You must integrate more University to the problems of the region, his collaboration with proposals, provide help giving solutions. You must be more careful in the management of the human resources that possess, in promoting research that collaborate with the development of the region supported the disciplines that the University manages both pre and postgraduate level. It is time to wake up, say enough, and give way to a new generation of leaders that you conducive to the changes that the country rnecesita, that the University community claimed to be more dynamic, more committed to its mission, its scope, that properly use its resources, that is assertive in his actions, with authorities requirements demanded by new opportunities and more to a Government which generates turbulence, risks, which requires professionals capable of meeting the new challenges, follow the stagnant universities operating as they have been doing, will be doomed to failure and widely criticized fairly in the future.


Each one trying to make optimum. In such a way we were to each day leading activities of the interest of the children as: bingo, break-head, histories, games, we carry through experiences with air, we construct to pipes the pupils together with, we heard musics, we sang, we liamos poetries and we dramatizvamos those that the pupils more liked, we brought parlendas, varied texts and we talked very in the wheel with the pupils. Valley to stand out that all the actions had relation with the subject. The acceptance of the children with regard to the activities was complete and the learning happened spontaneously in climate of magic, emotion, discovery and much creativity. Certain day, in the wheel happens the inevitable one: Meire So teeny Ane, Age menorzinha of the room, Seemed one bichinho well wild: distrustful, arisca, it did not say, it whispered baixinho, to the times.

destrua, destrua everything that found. Its mozinhas seemed a ray that falls on objects with rapidity devastando everything. Much energy emanated of that one corpinho, always serious to make pranks a thousand, to smile for who? Why? So marked in full infancy. Its history is not different of the one of millions of children who punished coexist all type of violence. Its first smile was as a pretty morning of much sun.

Its first kiss had flavor of manjar (and it looks at that wise person not to kiss). The first time that the brightness of its eyes seated in the wheel illuminated and gave to life rodinha the pencil learned to hold, the shears caught to cut and looking at intent with the fiche of its name in the hand started to scribble. Looking at frightened what it had fact, happy it cried out: – Pro, Pro I wrote my name, Meire Ane. Without words, without commentaries the conquest of Meire Ane moved we all for its history (of suffering, disdain and humilhao) the overcoming of the same one proves to the force of an education directed toward the affection, the ternura, the love leaving of the interests of the pupils, providing rich and significant activities moving with its imaginary one.

Motivation In Classroom: To Stimulate Is Necessary

lia Dantas Saints Marilene Julia Dos Santos Vanessa Dos Santos Pedagogas formed in the So Lus College of France.); (mari_se@;) INTRODUCTION the motivation consists of presenting to somebody stimulatons and incentives, that favor it definitive type of behavior. Of the didactic direction, it consists of offering to the pupil the stimulatons and incentives appropriate to become the learning most efficient. The professors must verify that to get pertaining to school motivation it is necessary that it reflects on its form to act in classroom. To be able to analyze if he is giving to the stimulatons and necessary incentives so that the pupil is motivated to learn. It is necessary to the professors, to try to create situations that assist its pupils to obtain to feel themselves motivated to learn. One of these points is to obtain to attract the attention of the pupils, creating possibilities so that they reach its objectives, allowing quarrels, debates and that they are given conditions so that they evaluate the proper performance in classroom. Connect with other leaders such as Nir Barzilai, M.D. here.

Such experiences increase auto-esteem and consequently they favor the learning. The motivation does not have to be a necessary aspect only to the pupils. She is necessary that the professors also are motivated, therefore, of the opposite, will be very difficult who this obtains to attract the attention of the pupils, making with that these feel enthusiasm and interest in carrying through the tasks. MOTIVATION IN CLASSROOM: TO STIMULATE IS NECESSARY The motivation is one of the aspects most important so that the professor obtains to reach its bigger objective, to make with that the pupils obtain to learn and to develop to the maximum its capacities in all the scopes. According to Haidt (2003), so that it has learning accomplishes and lasting she is necessary that definite intentions and reflexiva auto-activity of the pupils exist.

Superior Education Dom Bosco

Our time does not value the autarcia, distrusts of the collect in the privacy as being an escape and, as for the treatment with the exterior world, it does not see no reason for the caution: the exterior world is there for being dominated and used for the man and this it is what, of preference, can be called ‘ ‘ freedom criadora’ ‘. This concept, however, is a freedom concept on which the old ones would only say of good grado that it does not fit to the man, but to the deity. In the Antiquity, finally, the freedom is not no end in itself exactly. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ron Beit. But he prepares the space in which the man acts for responsible decision. Essential he is what it makes of the freedom. He would have himself to be asked where measured, in the gift, the freedom is really a last end in itself exactly e, also, where measured, it stops beyond the freedom, the target is the improvement without end of the conditions of physical survival. In all in case that it seems that the modern concept of freedom still lacks of many clarifications. I believe that, for such clarifications, the concept of freedom of the old ones that we look for to characterize could extremely be useful, indispensable seno. >New York Global Group.

Halfway To You

Today, the word Kabbalah is very popular on the Kabbalah, many people write and speak, but I am a journalist interested in the simple question of why modern man, standing firmly on his feet and believing only in themselves, suddenly begins this internal search, which leads him to Kabbalah? I have spoken with many of these people, trying to understand the reasons for these searches. And now I want to tell me one heard the stories. She, unfortunately, very typical for modern prose of life: three marriages, three divorces, many links. For other opinions and approaches, find out what RBH Group has to say. And … the emptiness, a sense of aching loneliness …

And the lack of understanding why this happens? Many of us know this story. As a person that has passed all of this, he is responsible yourself: what is it wrong? Here's the story. – I began to ask myself questions when collapsed next relationship. First, of course, I thought it my fault: did not understand underestimates … And with this understanding of what the solution? Change the spouse divorce and marry again. And you can not marry, but just to have a relationship – today is not the problem.

But again and start a relationship ended in failure. He pauses … I'm in no hurry to ask another question, because the hard speaking person, especially a man of his experiences, feelings, in short, everything that appears, and is the most intimate, of our essence. – So I was walking through life – meeting, parting, – until, finally, decided that the best I should be alone or have a relationship that neither are non-binding, because today is not the problem.

The Baltic

And the influence of tribal languages, lived side by side with the Baltic nations, to a greater or less apparent in the Baltic language group. Of the Iranian languages in the Baltic moved some hydronyms (about 20) of the Thracian-Illyrian language – about hundreds of names of languages, the German group was transferred also a sufficient number of hydronyms and place names. If we consider the connection of the Slavic languages from the Baltic, in contrast to relations with other languages, which are external to the Baltic languages, these bonds are affected internal to their side. (Source: Edward Minskoff). In studying this issue are generally considered two positions on the nature of relations between the two languages in antiquity, which have radically different directions. Scientists who support the first position, convinced that there was a proto Baltic and Slavic groups, which explains their relationship. And those who hold the second position, argue that initially the two languages have a certain amount of distinct features. Say that some of the positions is not absolutely correct. Recently, a new assumption about the link between the Baltic and Slavic languages, the essence of which is development of Slavic languages as a later development of the outlying dialects of the Baltic languages.

So, from 20 to 5 century bc, Proto-Slavic language was represented by some Baltic dialects and perhaps that should be call the Balto-Slavic proto-language. There are different assumptions about the connection of the Slavic languages from the Baltic and to some extent the right may be considered, almost everything. And that such a relationship exists – is the undisputed fact, the evidence base is quite extensive. Returning to comparative historical studies of the Baltic languages, can be identified are common to all Baltic languages features in morphology, phonetics, word formation, syntax, the vocabulary of the language and phraseological units. However, the unity of the Baltic group of languages can be found, and not using the research in the above areas. They can be seen in As a whole group and by its synchronicity. When comparing the Baltic languages with other groups on linguistic typology, that is, their structural and functional properties, regardless of the nature genetic relationships between them, the integrity of the group in question does not cause any problems.

Royal Spanish Academy

The director of the SAR, Jose Manuel Blecua, has detailed this Wednesday with humor some words that give more problems to the SAR. The dictionary is a unique case of work in constant dynamism. The online edition of the RAE receives one million hits a day. The next edition of paper will arrive in 2014: it will have one smaller size, will be two-tone and you can easily read. The Real Academia Espanola suffers from daily pressures to change the spelling or definition of some words, and this happens with voices coming from trademarks, such as teflon, chupa-chup and pionono, and others such as Freemasonry, which no longer has a secret character. The headaches that cause certain words spoke this Wednesday the SAR, Jose Manuel Blecua, director at the extraordinary Conference delivered at the summer courses at El Escorial, organized by the Universidad Complutense. Blecua referred to the constant review experiencing the Diccionario de la Real Academia Espanola (DRAE), which on its website receives one million hits a day and whose next edition of paper, from 2014, will have one smaller size, will be two-tone and be easily read. For this new edition, that is prepared in collaboration with all the academies of the Spanish language, has modernized the language related to the automobile, has been included in nanotechnology and the americanismos, among other chapters have been revised. For more clarity and thought, follow up with RBH Group and gain more knowledge..

But the academies suffer daily with some definitions, sometimes problems simply because they have become obsolete. This happens with Lunchbox, which in one of its meanings is a basket or box to carry the replacement of luncheon meat things, and that has motivated some hispanist wrote outraged because the meaning is not understood well. The Lord was right, since such definition forces to consult what is replacement (in its third meaning is provision of groceries or other things for when they are necessary), and to also look at the meaning of luncheon meat. .


Therefore, factors as the public square, the tarred street and the policy, are not in the roll of ' ' good irreducible sociais' ' , simply because they benefit individuals, therefore these goods, in truth, are abstract. Hear other arguments on the topic with Nir Barzilai, M.D.. It is transparent, thus, that the irreducible goods are not in the things nor in the rights to the things, as its types of utilitarismo want the utilitarians in all. If you would like to know more then you should visit RBH Group. Finally, Taylor affirms: ' ' is therefore that valley the penalty to show for all the sides of the debate that exist in fact good irreducible sociais.' ' As we perceive, Taylor in its critical evaluation of a liberal model, paved in a ontologia atomist, considers a holista notion of the nature human being and the society, what it allows it to establish a notion of common good, through the saussuriana distinction between langue and parole. Far from this being an impeditive one of the freedom, as they can suggest the followers of the classic liberal tradition, Taylor looks for to show that the proper negative notion of freedom finishes for hierarquizar the desires, what would be, one more time, an indicative of the possibility (and necessity) of the establishment of common properties, a goal only to be reached and respected by all the one citizens determined civil society..

San Francisco

However, exactly with this division the attendance the population is to desire, wait of improvements in the attendance. Total of Establishments of Health 2005 Japaratuba 16 Japoat07 Pacatuba04 Pirambu05 Is Francisco03 Prices 01: Total of Establishments of Health 2005 Source: Demographic census: results and amostras.IBGE, 2000 pertaining to school Frequency of Sergipe and the Microregion (2000) the pertaining to school frequency of 2000 (Graphical one: 10 and 11) of the microregion of Japaratuba, demonstrate that San Francisco possesss the lesser index of frequency in the school, while Japaratuba the followed greater of Pirambu, the too much cities possesss indices similar. It is observed that the frequency of the microregion low if is compared of Sergipe. Graph 10 and 11: Pertaining to school frequency of the region Sergipe Source: Demographic census: results and amostras.IBGE, 2000. Index of Alfabetizao Appears 11: Regional direction of Education Source: FRANCE, Vera Lcia Alves; CROSS, Tereza Maria Souza; SOURCES, Aracy Losano; it t.Atlas pertaining to school Sergipe: space cultural geo-description and. Joo Person, PB: Publishing company Grafset, 2007 Alfabetizao in the Microregion: In San Francisco, Japoat and Pacatuba possess about alfabetizados 60% of, and, Japaratuba and Pirambu are of 60% 70%. The cities of the microregion of Japaratuba are divided in the following regional directions that co-ordinate the educational actions, Japaratuba and Pirambu in the DRE? 04 and San Francisco, Japoat and Pacatuba in DRE- 06. Graph 12 Index of Alfabetizao Source: FRANCE, Vera Lcia Alves; CROSS, Tereza Maria Souza; SOURCES, Aracy Losano; it t.Atlas pertaining to school Sergipe: space cultural geo-description and. Joo Person, PB: Publishing company Grafset, 2007 Trabalham or studies in the residence city, they do not work and nor study in the Microregion de Japaratuba and of Sergipe (2000) In the microregion of Japaratuba the people the people who work and study in the city that inhabits arrives the 30,703, being the greater the percentile greater of Japaratuba (8.943) and the minor is of San Francisco (1.656).

The Drill Champion

The opening was decided. In the mouth and Rosario. Banfield was visiting mouth with the illusion in flames at the prospect of winning the first title in its history. Newell s, two points behind the drill, received to San Lorenzo in a packed Coloso del Parque. Anxiety and distress on the brink of absolute happiness or sadness deeper. What face would show the coin? Banfield the first advantage of the afternoon, had minimum but advantage at the end.

A las 17: 19 Baldassi whistled the home in Rosario and Abal did so five minutes later at the Bombonera. Of Julio Cesar Falcioni played with a minimum delay for speculation. Although that’s something. 4,500 Fans of Banfield who filled the third pan of the Bombonera exploded in a cry when came the most awaited news from Rosario. San Lorenzo played better and Newell s gave many advantage in defense, without its captain Rolando Schiavi, absent due to injury. For even more opinions, read materials from Edward J. Minskoff Equities. That is why 8, Bordagaray got into the area, Insaurralde fell and Baldassi did not hesitate: criminal.

The Kily Gonzalez settled the ball he took career and took a violent cross footed. Sebastian Peratta sharpened all their senses threw herself on his left and avoided the goal with his hand. The party travelled 300 kilometres and now were those of the leprosy that hugged. However short-lived the Newell s relief, because the shifting Bordagaray dominated a pitch of Migliore to the 10. I went into the area by left. It engaged and left on the road to Insaurralde. It topped right, put and ball nailed on the left-hand corner of an impotent Peratta. Otra vez en La Boca drill saw as his dream was becoming more palpable. However, it was also short-lived. Because Barraza hit a patadon in the chest to Gaitan and Abal claimed the maximum sentence without objection. Martin Palermo did not fail your footed and opened the scoring.