The Lender

But There are alternatives such as E.g. the construction savings. “Savings secures the interest and allows the later acquisition of real estate property home savings is still in Germany very popular not without reason: the most new – home savings customers would like to reserve that currently low interest rates for a loan in the future”. At the conclusion of a funds, interest rate conditions for a subsequent loan are fixed already, based on the current (very favorable) market interest rates. In addition special payments can be made at any time without prior due date interest and savers with low income are even entitled to state aid such as housing bonus and Arbeitnehmersparzulage. On the other hand, savings have some shortcomings: the exact time of the allocation (and thus the possibility of the use of the loan) is not known. In addition, a very low credit interest is paid during the accumulation phase. Follow others, such as Nir Barzilai, M.D., and add to your knowledge base. 5,590 relatively high fees, E.g.

for the conclusion or the account management. By binding to the building society is also no way to change the lenders later. The alternatives to the savings are particularly rather very limited if no or very little equity capital available. So the prospect although E.g. by means of a full funding or also a forward loan can take advantage of the interest rate situation, some additional costs when compared to a regular annuity loan on him come to, E.g. due to the increased risk for the lender. Equity should apply according to experts advantages at a construction financing without savings who would like to implement a construction financing without savings, at least 20 to 30 percent.

This is necessary to reduce the loan discharge and therefore the interest costs for a real estate loan, as well as to cover all additional costs and possible costs due to unforeseen circumstances. An advantage of this is that the borrower must not only wait until E.g. a contractor is zuteilungsreif and thus directly go”can. Continue to cover Loan sum from building Association savings agreements usually also not the complete capital ab, so additional loans need to be recorded. Depending on the loan amount should be higher, the higher is also the regular savings contributions. These savings contributions are only low interest, at the installment of an ongoing funding the same posts, however, a lot more financial benefits. Conclusion of the purchase of real estate remains high is in the course when the Germans: thing worth based retirement has many interested parties especially in times of economic crisis. Who weigh pros and cons of real estate financing and building Association savings agreements, will come to the conclusion that savings especially for real estate buyers with lower incomes and little equity capital are suitable. Who has but a certain equity capital stock and, if necessary using a high income, is better served by a conventional mortgages without savings. Learn more home savings current mortgage interest rates