Helpful Tips When It Comes To Moving

Helpful tips when it comes to moving would like to rent a minibodega for move? Follow our tips on storage! Surely more than one of them will be useful. And don’t forget the miniwarehouses rental is a service that can bring you great benefits. In white line issues, considers that if you’re going to store coolers or freezers in a minibodega, these must be completely dry and stored in doors slightly open. You can store certain articles within them and stack boxes on top stoves, refrigerators and freezers. Make sure you clean stoves and other cooking equipment prior to storage in a minibodega.

When in the case of bicycles and other metal items, it’s worth that, to retard oxidation, clean all metal surfaces with a damp cloth with a few drops of machine oil. If you have books, prevents damage to them and package them horizontally. You can place pallets to prevent them from absorbing moisture, then fill in the empty spaces of the box with material to pack. Something very important it is that you must not save fragile items in the same box that contains books and, above all, avoiding overhead. Your clothes and your curtains should be stored on hangers.

In the event that they are too big for a box or that they may not be hung, bend them very carefully and store them, along with sheets, blankets and tablecloths. For this you can use comfortable, Cedar chests or cartons that are type wardrobe. Prevents items that might attract pests, because if not you will have big problems in your minibodega. With regard to tableware and glasses placed a layer of material for packaging both at the bottom and at the top of boxes with glassware. These items should be kept in boxes specially designed to store tableware. Seeks to cushion each article individually: cups, dishes, etc. Already wrapped glasses should be stored on top of the boxes. Don’t forget to mark cups containing glassware. Attempts to disarm your table, but if you can not put it upside down, so you can stack several boxes on top; However, they must be comfortable. You can also stack vanities and hence save sheets as well as delicate items in drawers. Don’t get the upholstery in contact with the floor of the minibodega. If you have large chandeliers, disarm them, label each one of the parts so that you know how to reset them and pack them. Do not store heavy items on the same box. Mirrors and mosquito nets keep them unemployed, never put them down. To store metal tools in a minibodega, you must take care that they are clean, so you can use oil for machine. If the tools are small store together. Items prohibited in a minibodega are: animal articles perishable liquids flammable substances (painting, for example) toxic materials before storing your stuff in the minibodega, remember that you must drain the fuel from gasoline engines.

Encamp Town

Andorra has a special enchantment that leaves pledged its visitors. It is no wonder the rent Andorra apartments more and more is demanded since it enjoys a close supply of rural tourism, among other things. The apartments in Pas of the House fill of tourists with desire to live experiences, as much the one to let itself take nature like the one in the heat of to fall in love with their small very cosy populations. One of these populations is Encamp, to 1,200 meters of height and only 7 km of Andorra the Old man. The parish of Encamp is a calm, pleasant, hospitable place and mainly, charmer. In its environs the well-taken care of nature resides. Hear other arguments on the topic with Lydia Kutka.

Who dream about being confused with the green one of Andorran mountains they do it in routes like in Way of the Pardines with exit in the highway of Cortals d Encamp. This route locks up impressive images like the panoramic view of all the town. There the botanical garden is placed, where is a great variety of unique species of the place. In this way the senderista is crossed a magnificent landscape: the one that conforms the lake of Engolasters. To walk by its environs is an unforgettable experience. To accede to the lake on foot only costs one hour and the result is very rewarding. Besides nature, the parish of Encamp also offers a history lesson to its visitors. Them Bons is one old population that dates from the Average Age. The neighbors have rendered to him taken care of reason why the constructions well are conserved. Of the constructions of the time, the Church of Sant Rom, the pigeon houses, the tower of the Moors and the way are conserved. Another one of the treasures of Encamp is the Valira of East, an affluent of the Segre river that in its course the town bathes, leaving to its step a tuna place.

Modern Timber Construction

What is timber and where is it used today? Commonly referred to the construction, where wood is used as a building material timber, in addition is commonly used also for constructions built in wood construction. Differentiate also between traditional Carpenter-like wooden construction and from the end of the 19th century developed timber engineering. Often a combination with other building techniques exists in two species however, such as Trusses made of wood, which are erected on masonry or concrete. Famous examples of wooden buildings are around the wooden bridge at Essing or the Tower of transmitter of Gliwice in Poland. The tallest wooden building of in Germany is the Millennium Tower in Magdeburg with 60 metres above sea level.

What is made of wood? Made of wood, you can build much – mainly bridges, large halls and of course houses. Especially for prefabricated houses, there is a boom in the area of timber construction. More and more of those prior designs, but also the parts for walls industrially prefabricated wood. Wooden houses often have an energetic advantage over solid houses made of concrete and bricks: are far more energy-efficient and in the construction most favourable. The disadvantage is however the naturally high flammability of material in wooden houses, which can but with the proper construction and a fire-retardant paint be countered. In addition to entire houses construction, wood construction used determined but also for individual parts as insulating panels. What different constructions there building made of wood? Wood construction but is not equal to wood construction – as well as other types, there are many ways of building with wood. Not only from concrete you can build solid buildings, also in wood construction, the massive construction is common, with the walls made of solid wood are built.

The opposite of the solid construction is the skeleton which has established itself at the building with wood in various forms: roughly includes the classic half-timbered House in which only the supporting structure is made of wood and the spaces in between be filled with a mixture of wood and clay. As another example, the wood frame construction exists here. Also, there is a structure, in this case from wood frame, provided for the construction of the House only with Windows, doors and insulation. There is also the wood panel construction, in which the structure is made up of individual panels. In addition can in timber construction be established but also mixed forms of skeletal and solid construction – such as the so-called Heimatstube, a mixture of blockhouse (solid) and timber-frame house (skeleton). submitted by Paul Grabisch


Today the art of decorating houses and facades became very popular. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Chiyoda Corporation on most websites. Already have founded an endless number of companies engaged in reshaping our homes, design them, enlarge them. Even until there is new University courses that teach new concepts in terms of decoration and renovation. The magazines have become more popular and everyone seeks to make highlight your home above the others. But how much is left untapped in this topic? How useful is follow a university course related to the design of houses and facades it to? What can I do to innovate in this matter? The answers to this are easy to find if one himself wondered what.

This is an art, as art, it is innate in people. Something that one carries inside and perhaps does not know it. It’s being creative, see something where others do not see it. A university course or a course give us perhaps an orientation, technique, teach us about the different styles of houses and facades. But that is only a base. Self is who must innovate, because East field is infinite, we can never say that it’s all invented. But let’s look as it was by varying architecture, from the old houses to the minimalism of today, passing by classical architectures, the neoclassical, etc. Who knows what lies ahead in the field of design of houses if you are simply interested in the subject, simply use a tool as powerful as the Internet to look at photos of houses and facades, ideas, re-invent. Perhaps you who change the algorithm of the architecture in the future.