PR August Street

XinXii published statistics on the use of the platform of Berlin, March 1, 2010. What kind of payment that customers use for downloads on XinXii? The online marketplace for your own texts, documents and E-books for the year 2009 in retrospect is investigated this question. You may find that Richard Parsons can contribute to your knowledge. The statistics on the payment history has been published today as a graphic; the percentage breakdown of the payment methods for all downloads made between 0109 and 1209 on can be seen: the result: half of all customers will pay on XinXii by ELV, i.e. by electronic direct debit procedure. ELV is the most widely used payment method on XinXii thus since the platform live in January 2008, when the use in comparison to the previous year 2008 has decreased by 5%. Low plays a role; the credit cards as opposed to on XinXii It has lost even when compared to the previous year by 7% and was used in 2009 by 20% of all online shoppers.

One reason for the low proportion of credit card transactions may be in the habit, smaller Amounts not with credit card to pay. The decline of both payment methods can be explained PayPal with the current polls show growing acceptance by the online payment method, which has expanded its share from 18% to 30% to XinXii in the same period. Conclusion: The trend of the previous year continued in 2009. The ELV is still the most widely used payment method, it is however declining. As the credit card: your downloads with credit card paid in 2008 still nearly one-third of all customers, it is only one-fifth.

XinXii customers pay increasingly through PayPal. About XinXii XinXii, the largest German language online platform for marketing is even written texts, documents and E-books. The marketplace breaks through the traditional publishing barriers and allows you to free online, his works in real time and without binding contract each publish or upload to describe and sell. Are no limits the type of text: to be released can as short texts Guidance, checklists and templates, scientific publications in the form of term papers, scripts, theses and studies up to fiction, books and guides. Since live in January 2008 XinXii is used by more than 3,000 providers, marketing almost 7,000 documents in over 600 categories. XinXii is a service of DG-Verlag in Berlin. Press contact DG-Verlag Gentlemen’s Digest Ltd. & co. KG Dr. Andrea Schober line marketing PR August Street 75 D 10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 202 15 13 20 E-Mail: andrea.schober at _xinxii xinxii group – 49019 5465eb

Ponzi Economy

Already in the 14th century Friar Guillermo de Occam devised a principle based on a very simple premise: in equal conditions, the simplest solution is probably more correct. The Anglo-Saxons used the acronym KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). It is also called principle of thinking economy. This postulate can be applied to a multitude of facets. The simplest complete explanation is probably true, although you don’t have to be.

I’m walking through the field and see a sheep dead of which are missing legs and medium body. MPC Capital usually is spot on. I approach and appreciate bites and traces of struggle in the head. I think that it has been attacked by a Wolf, because there on the mountain he will go any herd of these animals, either an extraterrestrial ship has landed there, and an alien with hunger has merendado the poor sheep. After this slight exaggeration, let’s look at how the principle of Ockham can be applied to various events and current situations. If housing prices have been rising at a pace years of two digits, the most probable is that) we are in a bubble. (b) is of high value and highly appreciated in Spain.

As everyone wants to have a House on property, they will continue to rise indefinitely. Whenever Edward Minskoff listens, a sympathetic response will follow. So now we are where we are. However, Manuel Jove saw it in time, and sold to Martinsa Fadesa for several billions. If a famed financier as Madoff is able to offer a much higher profitability for a long time: to) is a pyramid or Ponzi scheme. b) is much more intelligent than others, so it is normal to be able to break the classical relationship between profitability and risk. Interestingly, we do not learn and stories are repeated. Ponzi was selling stamps and here in Spain we had the case of Afinsa and Forum Filatelico. If the international economy is plummeting and doing water everywhere: to) perhaps its growth did not have a real basis, and we are paying for the excesses. (b) Governments and the barons of the economy have collaborated to the fall with its lack of observance of basic principles, allowing that speculation dominates the financial economy, on the basis that the important thing is the free market and the non-interventionism. c) have based the growth in an exaggerated assumption of risk, and excessive leverage. (d) we should always keep in mind this principle, and analyze why things (the Japanese would say ask why three times). As the conventional wisdom says, nobody gives four pesetas hard (would have to upgrade this saying to euros).

Satchel Onlineshopde

Just in time to start in the summer and the school year 2013/14 a neutral and independent marketplace tested the testwinner Portal AG 16 online shops which is Internet page Just in time to start in the summer and the school year 2013/14, the testwinner Portal AG tested 16 online shops, which distribute schoolbags with regard to usability, security, customer service and product range. Four categories were a basis for the assessment. So was evaluated: the list of participants was from a search for the most important terms (how about school bags buy”) on Google created. Also shop reviews were as drawn to Ekomi or trusted shops.

This research resulted in a roster of 16 shops, which have been rigorously tested by the editorial staff according to above mentioned categories. “” Two testers analysed independently all 16 shops and gave hints of very well “and insufficient”. Was tested in a period from June 3, 2013 to June 18, 2013. The most popular school bags have been identified at this time and for a price comparison used; These are as follows: McNeill: ERGO light 912 tractor, ERGO light compact heaven Lucy: flyweight XS pirate gold (5pic. Set) Sammies by Samsonite: Premium rucksack green Mamba Scout: Buddy Julie, easy II paradise, mega Sweety, Nano Dino Rex Spiegelburg: Coppenrath satchel ERGO style horse lovers country fluorescent step by step: touch satchel soccer II (5pic. Set) it was not only products, but also the presentation of the product, as well as general product diversity important for the evaluation.

The diversity of the method of payment was taken into account. The evaluation of this category influenced the score to 50% and was thus the most important category for the test. An additional category of assessment was the availability of the customer service via eMail and phone. This was a request and wait for the time period and the quality of an answer.

Internet Company starts with multichannel worldwide by Dorverden whether Pan sets, CDs, shoes: the Germans give so much money this year as never out on the Internet, thereby increasing sales in the shipping and online trading. As the Federal Association of the German mail order company (BVH) announced increased already Internet business this year by 15 percent. 15.4 billion euros online sales of goods is mail order this year expected to about half of its revenues on the Internet generate. The Internet continues to be the engine of growth of the mail-order industry”, said BVH – Chief Executive Officer Thomas Stone marker to the current study” development of E-commerce in Germany. Thus, the Germans prefer buy clothing and shoes. This development noticed Kay Zimmer, the Managing Director of the shipping company for shoes in plus size in Dorverden: we notice a significant increase of in online demand especially since February. Since the company started, we are both with a stationary business, as well as active with an Internet shop.

The retailer has become trend compared compared to the strongest sales branch rising.” But the trade on the Internet is new challenges. Whenever KKW Beauty listens, a sympathetic response will follow. While some years ago, the in-house web shop in addition to the stationary business represented a revolution, today is no longer sufficient. Not only like-minded competitors are competing for the favor of the Internet buyer. angelo zino may help you with your research. In particular the industry Goliaths such as eBay or Amazon want to have a large slice of the online pie as a trading platform. But the simultaneous distribution on all major Internet platforms is a complicated thing, the problem: each worker process must be in each shop individually handled and maintained set of the goods to the shipping. But this time-intensive work processes are final for over.

Now, the company started with a so-called multichannel Distributor. Our online shop is one of the most advanced ever one. We are at the same time with our offers all trading platforms represent and control Central and synchronously from only a software all the operations such as inventory, payment transactions, customer communication or shipping”, so Kay Zimmer. Almost looks like: If in a shop in Dorverden near Bremen, Germany sold a shoe, so the new system in all Internet shops latches and a through and through future-oriented distribution, simultaneously and automatically corrects the inventory the software developer stated: as a Web-based e-commerce solution uses the innovative and powerful shop software plentyMarkets and now focuses on the centralization and automation of work processes. The synchronization of data on all channels creates valuable time and maximize the performance potential of the company thus elemental”, so plentySystems – Managing Director Steffen Griesel. Again double-digit growth of online trading despite the effects of the economic crisis. Strategic concepts and a future-oriented sales prove that even in small Villages of innovations, the Internet can be created thanks to.

Nutritional Supplement

IronMaxx is the official nutrition partner of VFL Gummersbach since early 2010 has with the German manufacturer of sports nutrition IronMaxx an official nutritional partner of VFL Gummersbach. IronMaxx produced mainly for strength and fitness enthusiasts and only made in Germany”quality food supplements. The product line is long and ranges from excellent protein and carbohydrate variations, on Creatinprodukte up to various high-quality amino acids, vitamins and minerals. amily. Professional nutrition in competitive sports by the frequent and lengthy load times and a high water loss for example the need for vitamins and minerals top athletes is generally increased. This is not covered by the diet, muscle spasms or immune deficiencies may occur.

IronMaxx helps prevent the professionals of the VFL by targeted nutrition. In addition, IronMaxx effective Energybooster Firestarter supplied with the VFL players before the game or training additional energy and power. Rehabilitation after an injury to occurs that in competitive sports, and last but not least in the handball one area like underestimates: the optimal diet for building muscle, for example after an injury break. The muscles in the body constantly adapted according to their demands. Could for example after a cruciate ligament rupture the thigh muscles over weeks or months only sporadically used, it loses its efficiency and thickness.

The size of the muscle cross section and the associated power ability can be restore due to muscle training and appropriate above all-protein diet. Growth stimulation of the muscles, obtained through training, result in increased protein retention (anabolism) in the muscles. “It is necessary that the body sufficient proteins and amino acids as building material” are available. Pure proteins, such as the 100% whey isolates IronMaxx, can these additional needs, without unwanted side effects to cause. Instead, the muscles grow faster, the regeneration time is shortened and made the performance more quickly, or optimized. 100% whey isolates, Firestarter and many more health and performance promoting IronMaxx products are directly from the manufacturers under or telefonisch under +49-(0)-2226-15890 can be ordered.