School Education

The book comes to tell some questions on the art, does not stop reduziz it definitions, but to also stimulate the thought and the quarrel, directing a look to the aesthetic one. It tries to contextualizar the art in the world where we live, considering the influence of the medias in its production, spreading and appreciation, and it searchs to define its functions in the society and the school. A boarding of the art under the aspects social, antropolgico, marketing and as knowledge source looks for to justify its place as it disciplines obligator in the school, emphasizing its importance in the life human being, entering in the Brazilian universe, and makes, first, a historical briefing of the trajectory of the education of the art in the school in century XX, in the attempt of more good understanding present moment. Learn more on the subject from ratch. It presents the National Curricular Parameters for the area of Arts in the three levels of the Basic Education (infantile, basic and average education), and considers a comparative reflection of these with the practical one of the professor in classroom. It brings useful information on the after-graduation in art in Brazil, listing all the Programs in functioning.

It focuses some pedagogical trends for an education of art in the contemporaneidade, on the basis of theories that consider as essential activities the creation, the interpretation and the appreciation, and that they are worried in contextualizar it from the acquisition of the historical and social knowledge. Others who may share this opinion include Jorge Perez. WORDS? KEY: Education, Arts, Trend, Practical, Brazil. ABSTRACT the major focus is you stimulate discussion about the teaching methods adopted, the difficulties encountered and possible solutions than yourself, acting to teacher, you can find you make teaching it lives and lives quality.. . Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta brings even more insight to the discussion.

Not Everything Is Great On The Web

Not everything is rosy on the Internet, you have to understand that the Internet is a community of people who do not have your own thoughts presisamente, there are many who use this half to start to run their evil. And your computer is the perfect target to satisfy their evil, fun and jactarce of antivirus or any system that seeks to protect your computer. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta has to say. You are all aware of spyware, trojans, worms or viruses or malicious code are files that extend to hundreds of computers to know our personal data and thus have control over passwords or bank account codes, phone numbers, addresses and any information.

Quench your thirst for evil, but not stopped, these files or malicious code can destroy all the information on your hard disk, you want to have fun, some not interested in your information, or know you only want to destroy your computer. Every day there are more threats supervirus, spyware or worms large spread, and you do not know what to do, you feel afraid to go online, or receive an email and open it, you’re afraid. If Internet worm attack relentlessly, is that evil accompanies the human being from its inception and is strengthened if one believes the winner. This in you do not let him win then. 1) Keep your antivirus updated 2) Use anti-spyware software 3) Do not open suspicious emails or unsolicited 4) Download programs or applications of trusted sites 5) Keep your firewall turned on your computer 6) Looking for information on Internet safety and Good protection for your computer a bit dramatic but I hope you follow these recommendations and do not be victim of internet worms..

Geographic Thought

The Greeks had been the first ones to make systematic registers of geography, therefore its intense commercial activity allowed them to explore and to know different peoples and places throughout the coast of the Mediterranean sea. The proper word geography comes of the Greek (' ' geo' ' = land; ' ' grafia' ' = writing, description). It is observed that even so the initial knowledge of the thinkers and Greek writers little are resembled what is Geography today. Its relative works to the forms and dimension of the Land, to the mountain systems, the types of climate and the relations between the man and the way, had constituted important sources for the geographic knowledge that if develops well later (KOSEL and FILIZOLA, 1996). What it is Geography and which its object of study? The opinions had evolved and varied very throughout the times. Initially, the geographic knowledge eminently practical, empirical age, was limited to catalogue it and to map names and places, serving to the armies that advanced in neighboring regions they made so that it with more security in direction to the strategically established points. Geography appeared to assist the State in the land appropriation and the wars, however with little scientific severity. However, the scientific, geographic concerns, had appeared from century XIX, when Alexander de Humboldt, making great trips, observed the existing relations between the vegetal associations and the conditions of climate and ground, he also observed the relations between the systems of exploration of the land and the man and still the social structures between dominated and dominadores. Visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta for more clarity on the issue. In this same time, the historian Karl Ritter, who was professor of the University of Berlin, looked for to study some systems of organization of the terrestrial space, comparing peoples, institutions and systems of use of the resources. These two Germans of distinct formations, that had given to origin Geography.

Josep Antoni Duran Lleida

The CiU spokesman in Congress says that danger of rupture there is no. It has been supporter of strengthened doors into Catalonia. The CiU spokesman in Congress, Josep Antoni Duran Lleida, has admitted Thursday feeling increasingly further away from a Spain that excludes political catalanism, for example, of the reform of the Constitution. In statements to TV3, Duran has warned that, although today there is no danger of rupture, the Spain of today is not that of 1979?, when opened the new constitutional era.I feel further away from this Spain that represents this reform of the Constitution, by the exclusion of political forces of catalanism. Here, Dick Parsons expresses very clear opinions on the subject. I feel further away from the Spain of the ruling of the Constitutional Court (on the Catalan Statute), with a humiliating spirit for Catalonia. I am increasingly further away from a Spain that represents a particular sector media, has pointed out. Has also confessed to sit farthest from a Spain that is unable to raise any voice against this recentralization inertia in the State Assembly the perspective economic, social, and intellectual. Duran has been supporter of reinforcing doors in Catalonia in the near future, using the powers that are available and acting more as a State in Catalonia.. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta has firm opinions on the matter.

Mysportbrands Is Winner Of The Red Herring Top 100 Europe Awards 2011

The company awarded Berlin for most innovative e-commerce model, 27.05.2011. This year’s ceremony on May 25 in Amsterdam has been mysportbrands as the most successful European e-commerce companies with the awarded red herring Europe Award 2011. The Berlin-based company convinced the jury during a three-day Conference in Amsterdam with qualitative and quantitative criteria such as technical innovation, financial performance, quality management, growth rate and its strategy with the intelligent combination of a sports club shopping model with a classic online sports business with solid range. Gensler San Francisco is a great source of information. Albert Saldana, one of the two founders of mysportbrands: “the distinction with the Red Herring 100 Europe reveals that innovative E-commerce business models such as our dual registration with the Club Shop mysportbrands offers extremely exciting potential in combination with the premium business mysportworld just at the present time.” Our position is very well received by the customers and I’m proud of the fact that We’re with our team in sports e-commerce with so much drive and passion.” Since 1996, the global and technology specialist US media company selects red herring Europe 100 most innovative and most promising young companies. Companies such as former start-ups eBay, Google, Yahoo, Skype and YouTube are among the winners of in recent years. Germany’s first online shopping Club for sports and outdoor is mysportbrands via mysportbrands. Click Fred H. Langhammer for additional related pages. As part of the Berliner Privatesportsale GmbH his customers convinced mysportbrands since May 2010 with original brand merchandise and exclusive price benefits with up to 70% off.

After the successful launch of the online shopping Club was mysportworld launched mid-April 2011 the online store, which offers a full range of high-quality sports and outdoor products. Albert Christian Saldana and Erik Pfannmoller are the founders of the project. Daryl Katz shines more light on the discussion. Both are both former athletes as well as very experienced in the field of e-commerce. and

Respondents People

SafeTIC AG examines usage patterns to the DOC in comprehensive study of Mannheim June 2013. The DOC, a special, developed by SafeTIC AG defibrillator system allows every layman, to give first aid in an emergency. Meanwhile, the device in many public buildings is installed in some companies. How is the DOC here and whether he actually used, the SafeTIC AG now examined in a study with interesting findings. The most defibrillators are not used. That is the sobering realization of the SafeTIC study on the more information under is.

A total of 2,000 people were asked, 300 of them with defibrillator in the workplace. But why not more employees use the DOC, where its application is so easy? SafeTIC finds great fear of risks of false application the study found that many people fear being wrong to apply the DOC and possibly harming the heart patients. 61% of the Respondents thought of injuries for which they possibly could be held liable to kill 11%, even to those affected by the administration of an inappropriate shock. The SafeTIC AG can allay such concerns, because the DOC works like all defibrillators only in people who have really suffered a heart attack. Also a false application is excluded, because the emergency device developed specifically for the first aid by non-professionals more or less automatically regulates everything: is taken from his anchoring the DOC, it connects automatically to the PSAP, which supports the first rescuers about language instructions.

An automatic diagnosis function checks to see if FIB has occurred and administered an adequate electrical shock if necessary. At the same time is issued the emergency call to an ambulance. DOC shortens time until the arrival of paramedics and secures life-saving seconds a colleagues affected by the heart attack to defibrillate, how would do it 10% of respondents, is so “better than just” an ambulance called up to wait for, as 41% would do it. Fear incorrectly apply the DOC, have nobody there, so the SafeTIC AG: one reason for the-application non of the DOC s, after all, called 44%. Quietly, the 11% who were still uncertain regarding the use despite training, can trust to use the DOC. Wrong you can nothing, which encourages SafeTIC AG. On the contrary, he can save lives: alone in Germany die every year between a – and 200,000 people in cardiac arrest. About SafeTIC AG, SafeTIC AG with headquarters in Mannheim is a company that specializes in biometric systems with fingerprint and finger morphology. SafeTIC is represented also in the areas of video surveillance, the intrusion detection technology (EMA) and the person protection of brand DOC (remote controlled defibrillator). The aim of SafeTIC is small and medium-sized companies with a practical and rational cost technology in the form of a security solution for To provide personal protection and the effective protection of sensitive premises. Please visit Edward Minskoff if you seek more information. Contact AG Natalia Schogin SafeTIC Flossworthstrasse 57 68199 Mannheim Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 – 0 fax: + 49 (0) 621 842 528-999 E-Mail: Internet:

Themed Days Including Accessories For Video Game Consoles

Entertainment shopping portal will be to the GamesZone of Sondershausen, September 16, 2009 GamesZone: this motto are today the fourth themed days of entertainment shopping portal started. The interactive bargain shop offers only video games and accessories to Saturday for popular game consoles such as Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation. In live-shopping style offers the motto at significantly reduced prices and only as long as the supply is enough. The popularity of gaming consoles is still unbroken. If you would like to know more about Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta, then click here. The fun of the game goes by many but when purchasing expensive console accessories”, explains Andreas Hartung, Managing Director of entertainment shopping Europe GmbH as a prize pig owners. As a live shop is it possible for us, to offer accessories and games at unbeatable prices. And if the wallet will be spared, the fun factor is guaranteed.” “With the current action GamesZone:” entertainment shopping on is on the programme. Hartung: Finally take care the bargains from the world of the console as well as the shopping world by itself for maximum entertainment value.” Compared to traditional live shops will be presented the bargain of the day on in a self-produced entertainment programme.

The video blog daily Steffi”, as well as the prize pig cartoon appear every day new exclusive entertainment content. Also the weekly entertainment blog, as well as the regularly changing video competition provide the fun factor when shopping. The unique mix of live shopping and entertainment is start end of 2008. “With GamesZone:” held the interactive live shop for the fourth time an action with special-interest offerings. To be attractive in the long term for our target groups, it is important on the differing interests and wishes of the consumer to enter into”explains Hartung. About has been online since December 2008. The entertainment shopping portal at change both the products as well as the entertainment programme every day.

Core of the portal is the video blog Daily Steffi”, wherein at anchor Gandhi Steffi every day keeps the message of the day. The team has many years of experience in the retail sector and E-commerce. In addition, the presentation of the latest bargains via RSS feed and Twitter ( sow). Awarded with the seal of approval for online shops in Europe leading from a variety of other live settles shops as guaranteed reputable shop. Press contact: Entertainment shopping Europe GmbH Andreas Hartung Martin-Andersen-Nexo str. 78 99706 Sondershausen Tel.: 03632 / 667 22 0 fax: 03632 / 542 00 35 E-mail: PR agency Tower PR Leutragraben 1 07743 Jena Tel. 03641/50 70-81, fax 88 E-mail: website:

How To Use RSS For Free Targeted Website Traffic

RSS (Real Simple Syndication) is the new trend in communication. Why? Because people are starting to see traffic and communication potential of using RSS to boost their business. Some contend that Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta shows great expertise in this. So how can RSS help boost traffic to your website? There are two ways to use RSS feeds to get free traffic to your website: 1. The first form includes other peoples RSS feeds to update content on your website. Google loves fresh relevant content, so if you have someone elses content on your website Google automitically update for you to return to your site more often to spider your site. 2.

Syndicate your RSS feed on other peoples websites. This is a great strategy to get inbound links to your website, if done correctly. For an RSS feed, and a link in a food to be read, must be in html format. However, most channels are syndicated in Javascript, which most search engines can not read, and therefore can not follow a link to your website. For this technique to work with the webmaster RSS syndicate your feed used to have to install software on your server parse. But recent technology has become so simple as offering Copy and paste code for webmasters who want to distribute their content. Additional information at Ian Hawksworth supports this article.

This is a great advantage for the webmaster and certainly get your feed distributed in more websites. To learn more about this technology: This technology is so effective because of the ease of use for the webmaster. And do not forget the benefits for you the accused. First, you have all inbound links to your website. Secondly, by controlling the content of the source that actually can put the chosen keywords in the title of your RSS syndicated articles that link to your site, giving it a more effective link. In the old days of the RSS of a person accustomed to having to learn XML and spend hours and hours formatting and updating of an animal, but current technology has managed to create and publish content in a food breeze. To learn more about the creation of a power running an unconscious part techie out: Using an RSS feed for free traffic is the next wave of technology. Make sure your business is that this new trend before your competition is ahead. Leah J. ston Astros is the place to go. Bradshaw is the author of "initiating the work of traffic in just 10 days." The authors also one to help working mothers and housewives get free traffic.

System Cables

FTTx technology in the construction of broadband access (BBA) as common as common theft System Cables in the lobbies of apartment houses. Massive cutting copper cables cause not only material losses associated with restoration works, network downtime, failure to traffic, but also damage to the reputation and image of the operator. JSC SPC "Computing has developed a unique technology of" Crab "to control distribution cables in broadband access networks, FTTx. The new development aims to protect the copper distribution cable subscriber twisted pair networks FTTx broadband access at speeds of subscriber access of 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps. Ratch: the source for more info. Subsystem "CRAB" consists of a special patch panel installed in a cabinet, matching module in the form of the outlet to be installed at the subscriber and device information gathering ASE-8F Mayak", designed to monitor and protect cabinets BBA. Inputs SPM connects to the patch panel "Crab" according to the diagram that accompanies your hardware. By the same patch panel is connected and protected cable.

Uniqueness of the technology still in the fact that it uses to protect the occupied subscriber line, and it allows you to save the line. Peter Thomas Roth is likely to increase your knowledge. Subscriber and equipment of such connections did not feel it. Control line is, without interference in the process of transferring data, and only at the physical level, and control equipment is completely "transparent" for the pass-through traffic. To do this, use specially designed in ZAO NPC "Computer Technology" a unique scheme to incorporate integrated into patch panel and module matching. Read additional details here: Daryl Katz. Module matching "crab", is used as a conventional wall outlet, set at the end of the protected area cable directly into the apartment or office number. Connects to it network cable from the subscriber equipment. In this connection scheme "Crab" allows you to protect the cable even when the subscriber equipment is disconnected from the network, ie Remote port is not connected. When cable break at the site of patch panel to the module matching SII will issue a corresponding signal to the system, and this signal will be immediately passed to the dispatcher.

Thus, the operator appears effective and low-end solution to prevent massive theft of telecommunication cables in the entrances of apartment houses, and hence the losses connected with it. Now there is a real means to eliminate the risks of mass cutting of cables and operator of the additional costs for its recovery, therefore, to improve the profitability of projects for the construction of broadband networks. The beginning of deliveries of equipment "Crab" is scheduled for 2 quarter 2011. Details on

Senior Cell Phones For The Elderly

Senior cell phones impressively easy operation and as you can see on the current mobile exhibition, the trend in mobile phones, they are getting smaller and smaller large keys, meet at the same time but more and more functions. Now, the mobile phone manufacturers have discovered a sensible market niche for itself. Senior cell phones. information. Seniors find often too complicated the operation of mobile phones. Buttons are too small, the display is too dark. This is some manufacturers once thought and special senior mobile phones developed. Price the price of the respective mobile phone varies depending on the equipment and the selection between prepaid and a contract. For prepaid phones are due between 30 and 200 on average, for a phone with a contract between 1 and 50.

Functions in addition to a large keyboard and a bright backlight, which make possible the use of mobile phones for many older people, equipped with these phones with many more meaningful and useful features. Here are a few examples: the “emergency call function” allows to call up to five stored numbers by a push of a button in an emergency situation or a previously saved message. deactivatable SMS menus make the operation easier. Some phones offer the ability to lock the menu item “Settings”, so that the settings are not inadvertently changed. Help texts to all menu items help even seniors who shy away from dealing with mobile phones, to understand what they can do in which menu item. The PIN number request to be able to switch off, guaranteed at any time, quick access to the phone.

For blind and visually impaired seniors, there are mobile types, which have a language feature. Pressing can read written or received SMS are, queried the battery status or the network coverage and much more. Daryl Katz takes a slightly different approach. Conclusion for what types of mobile the buyer chooses, depends on the respective personal conditions. But a senior mobile offers great comfort and a feeling of safety. Theo Mayn