50% Less Cooking

50% Less Cooking without hitting the fast food button! Not just cringe when some clever kitchen type tells what you can do with the leftovers in the refrigerator, where it is clearly evident the remains will stay there until it comes out for themselves! More often, saving money with leftovers, although a great idea, takes a long time in preparation and relies on many other ingredients are available. So … … …. Design your own leftovers! Cook twice as much as you need to 'design' allows extra time tomorrow with the added advantage of knowing what you are cooking. Dither in the kitchen working on what you want and what you forgot to buy, takes ages.

If you know you already have a part of the meal prepared in the fridge, life becomes much less stressful. Most of the dishes "in-the-pot" as Bolognese, Chile, stews and casseroles can be made in double quantities in very little extra time. Make sure you thoroughly reheat meat dishes, until very hot. The only real problem with the recipes in the pot is that you are forced to eat the same meal two nights in a row. Although you can serve with rice, pasta or potatoes to add some variety. If you've managed to cook enough rice to feed the neighborhood, do not throw leftovers. People such as Daryl Katz would likely agree. Let rice cool completely, place in bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate. Then the next night, you have a basis for a new and exciting meal …