Foundation Of Holistic Education

In his writings on holistic education, invites us to rule out superficial concepts of happiness, rooted in mental and material aspects, it says, this all changes with the circumstances and at some point end. He added that the suffering is not part of nature essential to man, conceived as an aggregate, as an overlay. The holistic view takes for understanding consciousness a scheme proposed by Wilber and offers levels that called memes, which relate to different times than men in their journey of consciousness is transcending. This approach is found in the book by Ken Wilber “the three eyes of knowledge.” Proposals of this author are a strong support that supports my experience, it allows me to ensure that happiness is part fundamental to any kind of education long as it is visible from spirituality. Holistic education as its main objective the development of consciousness, ie to realize our true nature and live life from this internal order.

We understand that a human being immersed in the education, experience and live from your spiritual being, shines its way with the light of its interior, is consistent and harmonious, full of love towards him and everything around you, free and respectful, viviendose from the certainty of his being, autonomous, independent and compassionate and therefore happy. REFERENCES. Ready, A, and Alfaro, V. (2007). Emotional education an alternative to social failure at school. Vasconcelos Journal of Education, January-June 2007.