Distance Education

Traditionally, applied to distance education virtual platforms allow form to those who cannot attend formal education or simply do not possess the necessary time. But thanks to the advance of information technology, there are many students who even though they can make a career or an on-site master, choose distance education. Discover the benefits of racing and master online. The development of information technologies and communications has represented a major advance in the field of education. Back has been the traditional correspondence and delays that it implied.

Distance education is now almost instantaneous and has little to envy to the classroom. However, courses or online masters to be possible, virtual platforms play a neuralgic role. A look inside the virtual platforms virtual platforms are an environment where teaching and learning processes that normally occur within a classroom are recreated. Through a series of programmes managed all educational gear, from educational materials to the communication between students and tutors. In practice, virtual platforms allow you to store all the relevant information to any course or masters online but also support the creation of forums to enable students to discuss and raise their concerns about the different themes.

Obviously, each platform has its own system which facilitates the monitoring and evaluation of the learning process. Currently there are different types of platforms, some are extra and can imply a significant cost for the educational institution while others are open source. The latter are not only much cheaper or even free but it also allow you to make changes to the code in order to adapt them to the real needs of the learning environment. The benefits for the student virtual platforms are the average educational ideal for students who wish to follow its own pace along watercourses or masters online. This system will not have to take notes because they can access the conferences at the time wishing it. In addition, they may ask questions to your tutor during 24 hours a day and will be able to refer to the discussions which have been made through the forums. Obviously, the possibility of receiving a personalized attention and the fact that the student can choose the time of day that is most receptive, results in the quality of learning making it more efficient and durable. Why based distance education in the virtual platforms has begun with the basic courses and masters online but now is spreading even to the undergraduate degrees.