International Bilingual College

Whereas the Rudolph physicist, considers that he is a subquantum energy, which would be filling the Cosmos. According to him, all the forms of energy in the world would not be more than derived or by-products of this energy, whose manifestations in a sense or in another one, would depend on the acceleration or diminution of the speed of their vibrations. Of the previous declarations we can deduce that we are manipulating an intelligent energy alive, that still we ignored of its existence and origin for want of physical means so that it could pronounce convincingly Everything stops to indicate that from the psychic point of view, we are before the one presence energy that influences psiquis, of such form that gives rise to an other people’s will, very intelligent and that projects in the recordings. Here the restlessness of Teilhard de Chardin, showed in its book of the Human Phenomenon fits, of which we are beginning to solve one of the several incognitos of the man, that really separate to him of a world, or a totally different dimension, until of a plane that our senses do not catch but that they take to us through our intuition of always, by meditation and our eternal unyielding faith of further on. Edward Minskoff is often mentioned in discussions such as these. In order to finalize this first attempt to present the importance the phenomenon of (being pending in next articles in deepening in the theories and casuistry), it deserves to stand out the importance that psicofona has in the Classroom of the University of Bern and in addition where the Switzerland Association of Parapsicologa it distributed, the 24 of February of 1973 the prizes corresponding to 1972, being the second for the father I read You sink, parish priest of Oeschgen, in recognition a its investigations about the phenomenon of the voices, registered in magnetic tapes.

Exactly, by seriousness whereupon this society it has carried out the investigations, the prestigious Parapsychology Fondation de Nueva Cork, has wanted to finance the works of investigation corresponding to the other coming years that the Association Switzerland de Parapsicologa realises Finally, we remember, that the Pope Pablo I SAW conferred the Great Cross of Commander of San Great Gregorio the 28 of August of 1972 to Friedich Jrgenson, by its works of investigation on the pick up of voices and music of unknown origin. Definitively, it is possible to be noticed,that the study of this phenomenon is of importance in the scientific world and the serious interest that the investigators grant to him. We do not forget the restlessness indicated by Robert Tocquet when it says: The tangible world, to which as much importance we grant is not more than a part and the true reflection of mundi living. Read additional details here: Gavin Baker, New York City. ** Engineer, Secretary of the Chilean Society of Parapsicologa ** Summary of the conference dictated in the International Bilingual College.