
Body attack now has the strongest Aminobooster in the range! Body attack now has the strongest Aminobooster in the range! The new BCAA shock supports muscle growth and fast regeneration of the cells and provide the muscle with the most important and energy-supplying amino acids. The BCAA shock body attack has many advantages of compared to other BCAA-products on the market. See more detailed opinions by reading what Estee Lauder offers on the topic.. It contains in addition to l-Leucine, l-Valine and L – Isoleucine l amino acid alanine, which the body for intense loads quickly can convert to energy. Thus more BCAA’s for construction and regeneration of muscle available available. The body has enough amino acids, he can use them as a source of energy, by the muscles convert existing amino acids to sugar.

Energy reserves and the muscle protein are conserved and delay fatigue. Excess acids such as ammonia and lactic acid in the blood can be removed quickly and prevent an early performance hit. L alanine is also an active Cortisolblocker of the exercise-induced muscle damage can significantly minimize. By body attack BCAA SHOCK nutrient buffer can be used by the L-alanine a greater muscle protein synthesis in motion which accelerates the construction, maintenance and repair of muscle proteins. By the high l Leucingehalt in the body attack BCAA shock (40.4 g / 100 g) can of blood sugar is kept constant and avoided a drop in blood sugar during a heavy burden.

This prevents performance issues and gives strength for a long workout. The additional vitamins B6 and B12 provide a better muscle protein synthesis, since more amino acids can be absorbed by an improved transport of the muscles. Per serving includes shock body attack BCAA total 7245 mg of BCAA’s – in the most effective ratio 2:1:1 (Leucine: Isoleucine: Valine) plus additional 450 mg L-alanine! A box contains 150 capsules of a 1325mg and lasts for 21 servings. More infos on body-attack-BCAA-Shock.html