Physical Education

They exist in the country diverse physical activities with esportiva connotation, of pedagogical leisure and, directed to the practical one using the environment. They are activities that have as objective the awareness of the balance and the respect to the way where it lives together with its participants. This work if justifies for making possible, through the practical ones of the physical activities of adventure in the nature (AFAN), the formation of apreciadores, practitioners and conscientious responsible futures of the preservation of the environment. The work was carried through through research of bibliographical character, collects of data through books, reviewed specialized, periodic and scientific articles that approach the actions of the pertaining to school physical education and the physical activity of adventure in the nature. The objective is to search theoretical subsidies that allow to understand the concept of the physical activities of adventure in the nature (AFAN) and the possible introduction of the Enduro the foot of Regularity, in the lessons of Physical Education Pertaining to school, preparing the pupils in the formation of the ambient conscience, preparing for the sustainable development, preservation of the environment and valuation of the agricultural way.

A VISION OF the PERTAINING TO SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION to understand the condition and capacity of the inclusion of the Enduro the foot of Regularity, one of the practical ones of the physical activities of adventure in the nature (AFAN), object of study of this work, inside of the pertaining to school physical education, is necessary to understand the current situation, investigating the main trends and pedagogical influences surround that it. Betti and Zuliani (2002) detach the sprouting of the expression Physical Education in century XVIII, in philosophical workmanships worried about the education. Having as objective the formation of the child and the young with an integral dimension? body, mind and spirit, in the full development of its personality. .