The Movements

Historically, the person with deficiency? not importing the type of shunting line? she always dealt with the manipulation of its identity, initially in the family, later in the school and other social spaces, in which she establishes interactions. In after-modernity, the speech of the inclusion is had and of the acceptance of the diversities, tolerance sends regards to it and the respect with regard to the people with deficiency. Some speeches on inclusion allude to the model deficiency physician-doctor as fully surpassed, it enters the principles of the movements in favor of the inclusion proclaims it ' ' celebration of diferenas' ' , ' ' solidarity humanitria' ' , in clear option to deal with the diversity, inside of a not-critical perspective – not problematizando the question of the identity and the difference. We act as a lawyer that the understanding of the practical one of the inclusive education must leave of the knowledge of the form as pertaining to school community chore daily with the people with deficiency, where the actions can be understood in the natural environment of occurrence. Thus, it is not possible to divorce the actions and conceptions the actors of the partner-cultural context in which they are inserted. This sends to the circulating conceptions of identity in the schools that practise the inclusion. But the possible inclusive education, inside of the objective conditions of the schools that, generally, it differs from the official proposals. We understand identity as well more than a biological or psicossocial reality; it is related to the joint elaboration of each particular society, throughout its history, something that has to see with rules and social norms, the social control and the relations of being able. Iniguez (2001) points that the identity notion is born of the relations and social interchanges that allow an identification with that they encircle in them and a differentiation in relation they.