Electronic Problems

Admittedly, not every day in the trunk of your car is found "pool" with a 20 centimeter level of the liquid column. Employees of the station now and then I wondered, along with the immortal question – what do? And when my state of shock is slightly faded, I terribly wanted to hear the answer to the question – why? Workers then offered to remove the water from the trunk and tried to find the cause of getting back the water. Cause not found making the assumption that the water there I uploaded washer-terrorist, which I visited before visiting to. Wish me a happy road and put in the territory of the station. Water and electricity separately – are useful and vital needed. But at a mutual penetration – deadly. And not just for humans. By the cunning plan of the designer car, the battery is located in the flooded trunk.

With the electronics problems started. I Is that not slept at the station then trying to obtain from its employees removing electronics extensive ailments and intelligible answer to the question: how water gets into the trunk? Not a chance. Realizing that with the employees I've got no grown together, I went directly to the seller – Victor. Albeit in a very soft and friendly form, but I was sent away. I asked for their money to repair at some stations. And so, after three nervous overstrain, the story reaches its boiling point – in April 2003, the car stalls next to the car dealership. Difficult not to regard this as a sign from God.