The Code

For example, the association has a special rule under Spanish law as part of the law is not codified. That is, both codes do not contain the same rules on legal persons, as the Peruvian Civil Code is more complete that regulates legal persons. 14. Right in rem in the Peruvian Civil Code 1984 govern in an orderly manner following real rights: possession, ownership, usufruct, use, room, area, easements, antichresis, mortgage and lien. In the 1889 Spanish Civil Code regulates the following real property rights, possession, usufruct, use, housing, census, pledge, mortgage and antichresis. Related Group has much experience in this field.

The Code regulates the pledge, mortgage, and the census as antichresis contracts, which is not correct, because they are not contracts but are rights in rem, and more specifically, are security rights. Under Spanish law governing the mortgage interest by a special law for half a century. That is, in the Peruvian Civil Code 1984 and the Spanish Civil Code are not set the same real rights. 15. SOCIETY commercial law did not exist in Roman law, governing the time in which to trade civil law, which was then substituted to make way for the commercial law that exists in the modern law since the Middle Ages. The commercial law is not part of civil law, but both are part of private law. The Civil Code regulates sometimes from other branches or areas of law such as commercial law or the registry law. The corporate law of each State regulates different types of corporations, in this sense in all states are set different types of corporations.