Tropical Garden Schools

From the water consumed in set 90% it comes of System (R14) and only 10% from the System (R15). As CAMPELO (2004) the supplying occurs in days alternated with effect of maneuvers. It still informs, that the index of insolvency of the accounts of water consumption is very high in the area. 3.3.3 Sewer the set possesss a system of sewer planned well, however obsolete. The type of used material is obsolete. As example of this, the use of pipes of Manila in the draining net, such material is evidenced, for not being impermeable, makes possible the entrance of organic materials and the clogging of the net. Another observed problem is the overload caused for the construction of new sets, compromising the effectiveness of the system. Read additional details here: Ron Beit.

The CAEMA tries to solve the problem acting on the effect and on the cause and readily does not take care of any request made for the inhabitants for removel of hindrance of the net. 3.3.4 Public illumination the public illumination of the area reflects the same problems of the remain of the capital. In the avenue that of the access to the set (avenue 203) the illumination net was substituted by a new, however in the streets and ciclovias a considerable amount of poles continues with its burnt light bulbs and/or slopes. 3.3.5 Health the set possesss one Pronto Atendimento Mdico (PAM), located in Avenue 203, in which atendimentos ambulatoriais and small emergenciais atendimentos are carried through. The nocturnal fair is become fullfilled opposite of this unit of health. In the area of entorno Tropical Garden, bes situated the Soon-aid of the City, Socorro II, second bigger unit of attendance of urgencies of the capital, specialized in traumatology whose clientele does not restrict the inhabitants of the area, also taking care of patient deriving of the interior of the State. 3.3.6 Education the number of state, municipal public schools as well as of communitarian schools and particular is expressive, 13 public schools and 08 private schools, that not only take care of to the local community as well as the circunvizinhana.