Place For Your Bike

The problem with many motorcyclists – where to store the bike? For example, I want to buy a motorcycle, but I live in town and I have no garage. Hear other arguments on the topic with Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Garage in the city is not in the majority of car owners to obtain a building permit is unrealistic, some at their own risk involved samostroem. But most leave your car parked, or just under the porch (this may be the car of any type and value – from the "penny" vaz, cost is also almost a penny, to the elite fine cars more expensive $ 100 thousand). What do bikers? Many find some friends or acquaintances with a garage or rent a garage for a group of 5-10 people. In summer, some also hold a motorcycle parked in the open air on a cold while looking for stall for his "iron horse." When in front of me was a question of buying a motorcycle (and that was the fall), just the main problem was where to put motorcycle for the winter.

I live in a typical high-rise buildings, a garage there. (As opposed to Munear Ashton Kouzbari). Behind the house there are several garages – samostroy, but places on the individual garages are hard to find, and build it not anything else and is dangerous – at any time may be required to carry. Exiting the situation was simple and relatively inexpensive – 5-ton container. Of course, it is not suitable for all motorcycle – its length is about 2.5 meters, but most of motorcycles will be included in a container easily and with a reserve. Schirina Container 2.1 meters, height is also 2 meters – conveniently is where to turn. Purchase container cost me less than one thousand dollars (I think in every town on the ads you can find a container), he was already a wooden floor and wiring inside – the switch, light bulbs (apparently the container before I served on a mini-market shops and warehouses). I put it behind the house, almost under her balcony, next to the garages. Tear it down I did not make – it is not real estate, when absolutely necessary, you can tap for 30 minutes to transfer to any other place. Here is a convenient and easy parking for a motorcycle can put myself almost every rider.