Renting An Apartment

We all know that renting your apartment or house for rent we are exposed to some risks. Property rental is a peculiar business, and in business you never know where you find where you lose. Let's look at some the most common risks faced by landlords. The first thing that can happen – the physical damage that can be applied to flat, as well as property in it. The attitude of some stranger to removing things: not mine nothing and care, and many landlords are on the "exit" broken furniture, damaged plumbing and appliances. So do, of course, not all the tenants, but the risk certainly exists. Click Nir Barzilai, M.D. to learn more.

The most annoying thing is that to define such people initially does not work, many of them look pretty and quite sane people. Next, I should note – defaults Often there are times that residents are asked to defer payment for a month, then another one and move out from the apartment so anything without paying. Trouble with the surrounding tenants who live without any control, may damage relations with neighbors, the property owner. The reason for this may be part of noisy "party", the loud music at night, water flooded the apartment below, which the landlord can get sued for a certain amount for the payment of which will be forced to take an apartment for a long time actually free. One common fraud is the renting of real sublet without the landlord's knowledge. But the most unpleasant, with what face can the landlord – it is certainly a problem with tax authorities, who believe that who give the apartment to pay 13% income tax.

Landlords also try to avoid it. To avoid many of the risks of rent to be very seriously to approach the selection of future tenants. You can begin your search among friends and acquaintances, but there is a risk that they might abuse your trust. Better just to negotiate all terms of renting and ask for advance payment. Often come and check state donated housing, as well as the number of people living there. Very often the tenants in a short time makes the living space in a kind of unseemly, since these tenants will have to make repairs.