Brazil Motivation

An environment where the perspectives are very limited, almost unanimously will lead to a process of discourages consequently and to the desmotivao. Official site: Estee Lauder. Other forces as religiosidade, escolaridade, politics, economy, health, among others, complete the picture of factors stimulants, or desestimulantes, to the individual and that they contribute for the state of maintenance of the motivation. As examples of as external factors they can modify the state of motivation of the individual, the author will take its proper experience at two distinct moments, first, the referring one to its ingression in the Bank of Brazil and, as, the recent exchange of administrators in the agency where it works. At the first moment the stimulaton for the motivation came of the family, in special of the wife, stimulated who it to the participation in the competition for ingression in the bank, stimulating it during all the process and of its immediate superior, fellow workers mainly. The participation of the family came in the form of resignation for the lost hours in leisure and the time where the presence of the father and the husband was not possible, face to the time excused for the study and, still, for the suggestion of that it was possible, in view of the potential presented for the same, at least for them. In such a way it had a positive alteration in its motivation, since the same it was leaving a conturbado process of resignation. In this process it also had the superior participation of then the immediate one, in the institution where it had entered the resignation after. This superior was participating of the competition also and the stimulaton came of the exchanges of experience and colloquies in relation to the plan of career in the company and of feedbacks. At as the moment, the stimulaton came of the exchange of administrators, therefore the previous one was remained impassvel to the accomplishment of feedbacks for commanded its, as well as in relation to accompaniments of the results, giving only never to seem in relation to the negative points and standing out the strong points.