
A speeding tickets for the parking is expensive in Germany quite annoying a lot and it can be even more annoying but in other European countries. While in this country pay between five and 50 euro fine wrong parking of cars in other countries will cost a lot more. And that can spoil a strong holiday. Norway and Spain occupy the top spot here. You charge up to 90 euros for the parking. Fine close behind is Ireland with rich 80 euros.

Of course, you can get away in some places even cheaper and pay only 10 euros for the traffic offence, for example, in Finland and Latvia. But most European countries lie at a daily rate between 25 and 70 euro. It can tear a financial hole in the holiday Fund under certain circumstances and depending on the budget. It can get but worse: to prevent, that the Falschparker to the fine presses, the cars are paralyzed often with the claw of a park. This comes off only if the outstanding amount has been paid.

Who is not pay locally must, yet lucky and comes with his traffic offence scot-free. But that should change 2009. Since then the traffic sins of German car drivers who have committed abroad, should be punished in Germany. A retroactive enforcement should then also be possible. Who wants to avoid fines, however, should not follow the bad example of some locals and Park only there, where it is also allowed. Depending on the holiday destination, it is recommended to turn off his car only on a guarded parking lot. Also you should enquire prior to travel to the traffic regulations of the country, because that is the safest way to hold together its finances and save money.