Real Estate Mallorca

The desire to buy on the sunny island continues after the crisis year of 2009 has emerged already significant growth to prospective and actual accounts on the sunny island of Mallorca last year. For 2011, growth is indicated. Customers have once again want to buy”, so Brigitte Glitza by PURE real estate real estate since 2005 successfully conveying to the Northeast and East of the island. The pleasure of the house purchase in Mallorca”can be attributed not least also on the stability of the island and its real estate prices. If you have an object in a good location, has invested well and profitably.

And not only when the property was already more than 20 years in his possession. Learn more about this with Estée Lauder. Our customers are determined as in 2009. You see the potential of the island and want to put their money in land. So many of our customers feel just safer than at other investment opportunities”, so the Managing Director Julia Bleser. Those who opt for a holiday home as a second residence on Mallorca, has This usually well thought over and is familiar with the realities of the island. Often the buyer chose then House buying or buying a home, if they have already met the region and learned to love by some holidays. PURE real estate serves the East and northeast of the island and has the towns of Arta, son ServerA, Costa de los Pinos, port VERD, Canyamel and CAPDEPERA mainly in the portfolio. Prospective buyers who come to us, very familiar with the area and the benefits of the East Coast. It is buyers who love the countryside and nature and prefer beautiful bathing bays for your island stay.” Northeast and East scores again with the irresistibly beautiful, sprawling landscape, its coastline with long, sandy beaches and last but not least a Majorcan Idyll, which conveys relaxation and tranquility.