Jose Carlos Rodrigues

Through this analysis, we can observe that a series of acts is repassed to the person for the education, the society and the paper that it occupies in it. It’s believed that Gresh and Smith sees a great future in this idea. The body and its symbology, as defend Mauss, are the first instrument and the most natural object technician of the human being where the traditions of all system of the society are enrolled. Coldwell Banker Commercial may help you with your research. (MAUSS, 1974, P. 211) In such a way, a small action or gesture can inside translate with clarity certain cultural elements learned by the individual of its community. The corporal techniques, insert thus -, in a system of symbolic assemblies that are apprehended by the individuals that compose definitive social group. ' ' The body politic a cultural subsystem, by means of which the individual creates values, cohesion and interacts with the world and outro' '. (VILLAA, 2007, P. 56) Thus, being, it is pertinent to consider that a process occurs of socialization where the culture, while instrument of control, said norms in relation to the body; norms these the one that the individual will tend to adapt it certain standards of behavior that they will become natural and common, that will be transmitted by certain factors to be considered decisive in this process, that is, for the education, when the individual insists itself that the individual learns something or for the imitation, when imitates what it considers legitimate acts. Therefore, we can consider that the factors that determine the corporal techniques as the education, the society of which we are part and the place that we occupy in the society, they are determinative with respect to the construction of the social dynamic and the local identities that if they shock, if unite, and for times, if they cross. In the analysis of the author Jose Carlos Rodrigues, the body if becomes a restricted and controlled expression for the society.