Business Software

5. Launch the program. The indicators are all project management and management can be applied in all areas of the company. The administration must inform each employee how he is to be measured, specifying the benefits that have to comply, but also the penalties for those who cover it. 6 . Feedback.

If first time implement a program of indicators to be open to amend, modify and expand the way they measure. It is a dynamic method. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Springfield. If strategies change, indicators must change to maintain alignment. What is the best way to measure and who stands? The person measuring and collecting information should be independent of the subject of measurement, so as to ensure the fairness and reliability in the data. What you need to define is: – Software: It requires a high investment or sophisticated? Do not go to convert the measurement method in a much more expensive than what you measured.

You can start with Excel spreadsheet and as you familiarize yourself and grow, you can use more specialized software. – Frequency? The shorter the better, because it is so early enough to monitor the results of the different areas assessed. There are indicators that can be reviewed daily, weekly or monthly. Others will demand according to its type to be reviewed every month. We are required to link benefits with indicators? If we want all employees of the organization to commit to the strategy of the company, which meet the expectations mainly product and customer expectations, the best way is to have management indicators related to this, but the employee is aware if is an indicator and achieved greater efficiency, performance will be better and greater. Good indicators of management, are efficient tools for motivating employees towards better outcomes that will lead to better outcomes for the company as such. Case: DS Systems (Developments in Software). Since its founding in 2001, DS Systems has been a leader in the market for Web application development, software for accounting and administration, based on next-generation platforms. The turnover in 2006 reached $ 1.6Millones, closing 2007 with $ 2.2 and the projection for 2008 indicated that could close above $ 2.6Millones. One of the main difficulties (according to Mr. Felipe Mendizabal), Operations Manager, has been finding a convenient way to assess performance and measure results so that programmers, analysts and developers gain according to performance projects. Luis Quezada R. Eng, General Manager said in a session that should seek a system indicators used compensation to motivate employees but mainly to influence the results (sales, fulfillment, billing, etc.). Ways to evaluate: The last method was a performance evaluation and for those who were above 85% were bonus. There was much dissatisfaction, so for 2008 must be changed to something better. DS Systems Strategy had been differentiated in the market for a high level of customer satisfaction and also for delivery time. Unlike the market, the accomplishments in delivery times exceeded 83% when the industry average was about 68%. The satisfaction rates at the end of 2007 were close to 88% compared to 82% six months earlier. Study Questions: – What measurement indicators suggest to DS Systems? – What is the strategy of DS Systems and confirm whether the indicators are aligned with it. – Increases or reductions relate to the measurement system? – We offer Software to implement the systems as Balanced Scorecard, investment in license and implementation is $ 65,000 dollars and annual maintenance by 20% annually, should the investment?