Getting What You Need From Government

If no such measures enhance care is easier than many young people have special difficulties in the process of social inclusion, so the conflict will worsen further. The role of teacher will always be to encourage, support the transition process, socialize, contribute to the acquisition of autonomy., Without monitor, protect, provide, protect … He knows that “being” among young people help to “do” community. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Mike Myers. One could say the same if the recipients are another type of special individuals who go through difficulties. Get where they are require creativity, innovation, skills and techniques that facilitate this approach. Just as there and figure Educator’s streets at night, acting between the “inhabitants” of the metropolitan railways, it is necessary to adapt to new circumstances and overcome the idea that street educators limit its scope to the parish or the neighborhood. The educator may assume other roles, put on new characters and, without forgetting his role, connecting with those who will be prime objectives of their action.

Enter the “scene” in the spaces youth and young people is prepared to improvise and give a little dogmatism that repeats the same patterns that lead to failure. More and more institutions, governments and associations that have in their squads in the field of street social educators, which will no doubt gradually clarify their functions. It is difficult to combine criteria to outline concisely the complexity of tasks that can have this teacher, in view of the changing social reality which advises fast adaptations and accommodations required by the new network formed by the group practice.