Top 10 Of The Most Popular Online Disks – Humyo And Strato Front

Most consumers are looking for information for Humyo online hard drives and by Strato off found out the leading test portal for online disk the most popular provider the user statistics of the past three months. “By far most consumers are interested the Humyo and Strato online hard drives.” So Martin Balasubramanian, owner of online-hard drives Humyo offers an online disk with many functions and 10 GB storage space in even free. The paid product “Humyo Premium” starts with 100 GB disk space for 5.94 EUR per month and the annual subscription for 59,49 EUR can save 16%. The online store of Strato named HiDrive offers capacities from 100 GB from 3.99 EUR per month. Below the full top 10 of the most popular online disks: 1 Humyo (10 GB free) 2.

Strato HiDrive of 3. ADrive (50 GB free) 4. dropbox (2 GB free) 5 telecommunications Media Center (1 GB free) 6 Wuala (2 GB free) 7 MyDrive (2 GB free) 8 Microsoft SkyDrive (25 GB free) 9 Zumodrive (2 GB free) 10 team drive (1 GB free) the ADrive online hard drive placed at position 3 features the largest free space, before Microsoft SkyDrive 25 GB with Humyo with 10 GB 50 GB. You will find a detailed test report and background information to the most popular online hard drive on humyo/humyo-online hard drives personal data keep safe with the help of an online hard drive stored valuable data, such as pictures or videos on a so-called cloud. Thus, the data must be protected not only from damage or loss, but can easily be shared with others. A defect or the theft of the local computer is already annoying enough.

All the more worse when this lost the personal data accumulated over the years, such as, for example, an image collection. An online hard drive protects against such cases. Humyo and many more products offer even an automatic synchronization of data with the virtual Space. This new files or changes are transferred immediately to existing data to online disk. Thus is the virtual space always up to date. Company Description online hard drive test is an independent portal and provider of online disk tests. For each product, there is a detailed test report, as well as detailed information about the terms and costs. Clear shipping track tables make it easier for consumers, finding the right offer for they. A price comparison is offered as an additional service. Customers can easily select the desired size of the online hard drive and see the prices of all products offered in the comparison. In addition, there is an overview of free available products. Company contact: Online hard drives Martin Blochinger of Oberfohringer str 236 a 81925 Munchen Tel: 015115175966 E-Mail: Web: