Mould And Its Control

1. Most vulnerable to mold damage walls and corners of buildings. They should have biocidal protection (protection from fungi and bacteria). 2. Look closely at the arrangement of furniture, if put bulky items close to the walls, limiting air circulation will soon appear on the walls of condensate droplets, and then the mold. (Not to be confused with Jacobs Dallas!). 3. A common cause of rotting exterior window frames – loose or cracked putty bottom of the frame. Keep putty does not lag behind the glass and rainwater can not penetrate into the interior of the frame.

4. The appearance of mold on the wall is connected with a balcony, usually from improperly installed gutters and poor waterproofing. Take care to external drain was clogged, and there was no water. After the freezing winter, the drain can rip along the seam and in the spring in the wall next to Settle fungus. 5. Active ventilation of premises reduces the risk of mold.

Created unfavorable microclimate for fungi. When airing during the cold season better be fully opened for a short time the window (balcony door) for a short time, plus applied antifungals. Parted considerable time vents help cool the walls. 6. Basic rules to combat mold three – to reduce the humidity inside the home (no room in the unheated building in winter, the lack of drying laundry indoors, Repair of current crane, a smaller number of indoor plants), to provide good ventilation (opening windows more often, increased ventilation bathroom) and to eliminate pockets of mold. The construction and repair: 1. Downspouts must be installed so that vertical joints are in the side of the wall and at least 3 cm 2. To protect the floor of the balcony on the water, you need to put on a thick epoxy or minium ship, and the floor must have sufficient slope. Then the water will gradually drain down.