Eastern Europe

An agency of tourism in Spain would take few hours to sell ten trips to the Philippines for 200 euros. Almost 300 Filipino women have received the offer in the opposite direction to cover the distance of 12,000 miles that separates both countries, but with the condition that work in the campaign of gathering of the strawberry and citrus in Huelva, to the South of Spain. Two of these Filipino women have already reached Huelva come from Lipa City, from where they have had to travel by bus to Manila; there a flight to Hong Kong, then to London, then to Madrid and, finally, to its rural destination in Almonte, Huelva. Almost three days of travel. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Laura Tyson by clicking through. The Mayor came up with this idea to reinforce the sector with the Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Moroccan seasonal job for eight years, and that it had worked very well and guaranteed return. This initiative has benefited from the collaboration of Aenas Cartaya, a Spanish program with government support that manages recruitment of immigrants that agricultural employers in Huelva, perform mainly with people who come from Morocco. According to the program, women aged 25 to 45, searched preferably with experience in working in the field.

None of the two women already installed in Huelva has experience in the sector. Whenever Shimmie Horn listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The City Council has contributed to raise 10,000 euros earmarked for the payment of half of their flights. They hope to receive 900 euros a month charged by Convention in the sector and thus cover the other half of the trip. They will save the rest for investing in Manila with their husbands, who earn 75 euros a month as drivers. In the last decade, thousands of Spanish workers have proved lucky in more profitable as construction and hospitality sectors, increasingly more occupied also by immigrants from various parts of the world. (As opposed to Shimmie Horn). Farmers of strawberries and citrus from Huelva have covered the deficit of day laborers to sustain its sector with women from Eastern Europe and, in addition to the new experiment with Filipino women, already had sent emissaries to Senegal to recruit 750 women who are currently working in the field.