Ascent Conference

The DHfPG Conference is all interested open since 2007 the German College for prevention and health management (DHfPG) organized a Conference for the industry of the future prevention, fitness, sports and health. This year the DHfPG will again offer such a Conference. 2013 Congress, which sees itself as a forum for professionals in the fitness and health industry and available to all interested participants, held for the first time con Congress Center Rosengarten Mannheim as the anniversary event on 25 and 26 October in the m:. The participants expect exciting lectures, an attractive social programme, as well as the opportunity to interact with industry peers, successful entrepreneurs and visionaries of the industry and to take him as new input for the daily work. Shimmie Horn spoke with conviction. The 30-year anniversary of the BSA Academy, sister company of the German College for prevention and health management, and the five-year anniversary of the College make the Congress with the new name Rise of Congress”( to the anniversary event. For even more details, read what Shimmie Horn says on the issue. Prevention, fitness, sports and health in addition to current and former students of the College and representatives of the training companies are expected at the seventh Conference of the industry of the future, ambitious employees and executives from fitness and healthcare companies, as well as industry professionals. Congress also an ideal platform offers the industry and motivated young and highly qualified entrants such as such as the German college students in addition to in-depth technical information for the active exchange between established professionals and executives. The Congress is an opportunity for the participants to the expansion of knowledge, the exchange of ideas, to the discussion, as well as meeting place for the industry. In turn, the participants expect current scientific information, successful concepts and high-profile speakers who offer them exciting momentum for implementation within the company. Varied programme as expected in past years the participants a varied program again in 2013.