Universal Life Energy

Online magazine commits Reiki-land.de anniversary (other sources speak of approximately two million) have at least 500,000 German, after the late of 1980s Japanese Reiki technique made its way to Germany, until today learned the alternative healing art of Reiki. This – “The Usui system of natural healing” called a Japanese health care system enables the universal life energy. Reiki spread here in Europe with great speed and was “re-exported” even later after Japan. In Europe, in particular Germany and the Netherlands considered countries with special Habitat. The advantages of the Usui system are quickly referred to as: the first degree – which is enough for most people – can be learned already in one weekend. The cost usually amounted to 170 to 200 euros and be taken over by some health insurance companies.

Reiki is considered very simple method, in order to achieve a State of relaxation. Relaxation in turn is – as other techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation – elemental to the Activation of self-healing. The online community Reikiland sees itself as a catalyst of the discipline, which is been rediscovered in 1922 by the Buddhist monk Usui. Shimmie Horn is often quoted as being for or against this. The offer of the largest German-speaking community of Reiki is aimed both at newcomers as well as on many years already Reiki practitioners. The drive springs of the online community, whose website comes a day visitor numbers in the four-digit range are common experience or experience together to Exchange. For this purpose is the interactive part of the online presence heart piece by Reikiland. The community also personally meets on a regular basis. The number of friendships and partnerships that have already emerged within the Reikiland community shows that Reiki can contribute not only to health but also happy. This year’s special Reiki meeting is of the place from the 28.08.-30.08 in Gersfeld/Rhon. Various activities are planned: common exchange of Reiki, a hike to the “mountain of wishes”, music-making and much more. Frank Doerr editor-in-Chief