Economics Circular Business

In the world we see every day how companies that were supposed to be big break and go bankrupt dismissing employees but executives always have a way of escape. This is because almost the entire system uses systems of linear economy, this system consists of many people to work but that few people are filled with money. That is why big investors never lost and always each peso invested earn him double, while a person who is not very wealthy invests their savings in a project but but goes well you lose everything. Hear other arguments on the topic with Nir Barzilai, M.D.. If your in your own business using the linear economy system never can move forward because instead of reinvesting in your business profits will always have to fill a gap with what is commonly called eating raw. Why the CIRCULAR economy, we must implement in our own business is to reinvest part of our profits in our business, consists of all win equally and no one earns more money than the other, is that there is no social strata and all have the same system of linear economy there are many persons below working so that of up become rich, while we are all on the circular economy invest just the same and win the same. An example are the banks that receive too much money from taxes but never reinvest in the people that fill the pockets of its executives.

While the economy move people he works, produces and receives equally. EXAMPLE of economy linear suppose you have a restaurant that costs you $ 20,000 start-up the first day gains get for $300… Sacas costs and profits and the remainder you gain you those spend paying debts or giving you tastes result: your business just 6 months example of CIRCULAR economy the same example your restaurant will cost $20,000 the first day you get $ 300 gain eye: the idea to apply the circular economy is that you must get 30% for your expenses or for living and the rest back it to invest in your business for himself by buying raw materials or investing in more advertising result: your restaurant to the next day will be a little more rich and your business will grow in an EXPONENTIAL way if you do it every day without fail. Large companies like COCA COLA or the PEPSI have grown using the CIRCULAR economy system does and if worked them because to us not? Implements this system with your own online business and get impressive results as they say out there to reinvent the wheel if already this invented.