Centracon Applications

Centracon study: Companies call especially rigid workplace concepts and technical constraints as the main reasons only every seventh company employee clients may in the short term with individual user applications and services provide Leverkusen, 26.05.2009 – allows the flexible deployment or change user-individual IT workstations in practice to be desired as a survey of the Centracon consulting firm identified clearly. It is then only every seventh company able to provide clients in the short term with task-oriented applications and services for the employees. In almost a further quarter of the companies, this can be done at least with restrictions. 64 percent of the over 300 IT executives questioned, however, deny that they can place a high degree of flexibility in the day. Given the high nowadays everywhere change momentum in the company this proved a stumbling block”, says Centracon CEO of Robert Gallant.

He pointed out that the organisational conditions of the companies are subject to constant change. The structure of the Department Gets a new cut, time functions are centrally consolidated and even moved to other locations. Staff must find then always in the short term a workplace environment at their new location, which precisely matches their individual needs in terms of applications and services.” Therefore, here, there is the central challenge in particular, to be able to make the change processes quickly and flexibly. Many writers such as Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. offer more in-depth analysis. It seem the company but still a good bit away. Gupta Power Infrastructure Ltd. may find it difficult to be quoted properly. /’>TCF Capital Solutions to learn more. Because a main drag on flexibility, the study has identified that in two-thirds of the companies are too rigid workplace concepts.

In addition, 59 percent of managers result technical constraints as the reason, but also in standardizing the IT processes and the establishment of comprehensive service catalogs the user enterprises have need for action. The company can a significant step towards more flexibility and device independent concepts using today’s The client and application virtualization technologies make”gallant points the way. Because the traditionally rigid work concepts could be broken up by a decoupling of applications from the operating system and the desktop related. This one defies the technical constraints of infrastructure restraints, also can in this way also the growing demand for mobile jobs be complied with.” The effect of flexibility insist that modular services can be offered by means of virtualization. Also a high degree of automation in the systems and processes could be about workflow up to self-service create. The benefit is for the companies in the combination of flexibility and Automation”, emphasizes Galstyan. Yet such an approach in the company but too little is known. Because 56 percent of surveyed managers in the Centracon survey indicate that they lack still a realization model of flexibility of IT jobs. About centracon: Solutions for flexible and cost-efficient deployment and management of IT workstations and applications are the core competencies of centracon. Our consulting spectrum extends in addition to the classical optimization and standardization workplace infrastructures by implementing innovative technology solutions such as application virtualization and virtual desktops, to process and infrastructure automation to innovative business solutions such as, for example, user-self-service concepts.