Businessmen Deceive Ordinary People

Business was always interested in a pocket of an ordinary citizen. With the onset of the crisis has intensified interest, as a "pocket" was not such a trifling financial source. From different sides to people poured recommendations: how best to invest money, how to prevent the crisis eat last resort, etc. Set of interviews, articles, comments businessmen often contradict each other. And it's not in the complexity of the economy or other high matters. It's much easier. Learn more at this site: Atreides Management Gavin Baker. Business actively uses the information for their purposes. Often you can see a business interview, which contained blatant appeal to carry money in a specific office: the head of a construction company advised to invest in housing and a bank director says that the best time to open a deposit is no more.

One of the fundamental laws of business, in our conditions can be formulated as follows: "It takes years to earn trust, and only five minutes to lose it. " Therefore, business interviews, in which trust, and as a consequence of money, people try to return unceremoniously – are unlikely to have the desired effect. Anyway, in the next decade. The crisis has reduced the volume of business lending. If large organizations, this situation is not critical, for beginners businessmen and representatives of small business can be a real catastrophe.

It is difficult to prove who have not fared better: novice businessmen who can not get credit for his "own business" or those who have already taken out a loan, but can not pay for it. Maybe soon the situation will improve and there will be sparing credit programs for business, but still not on the joys of running headlong to lend. In addition to official interest rates in the arsenal of banks, there are many other ways to knock out the money from businessmen. Financial institutions and had been able to give small and medium businesses, such loans that became unaffordable burden for entrepreneurs. Among the methods of driving in money and bank charges (that with their help banks offset the low interest rate), and a substantial write-down of mortgage, and many other tricks. Conversations that Ukrainian banks should be prohibited from charging uncontrollably Commission conducted a long time, "and things there." As is known, often cautious wrong. In terms of interaction with the Ukrainian banks, this postulate is especially relevant for business travelers.