Warehouse Selection

To make the best choice of warehouses, you need to know their basic types and that for which they were intended. Warehouses, including quite likely and classified according to various criteria: – in relation to the areas of logistics – supply, production and distribution – to the participants in the logistics system – storage manufacturers, trade, transport, freight forwarding and logistics companies – in the form of ownership – individual and leased – on the device – a storage company (network) and collective ownership – of highly functional purpose – long-term savings, transshipment, distribution and special – in assortment of specialization – specialized, multi-purpose, mixed – on the treatment of savings – unheated, heated, cold stores, warehouses with fixed climate regime – on those. Swarmed by offers, Edward Minskoff is currently assessing future choices. equipment – Not motorized, mechanized, computerized, automated – by type of inventory of homes and buildings – are open, platform under a canopy, covered – by type of storage – with a floor, shelf or mixed storage – by the presence of external transport links – with quays, rail and road entrance, a massive warehouse – on the scale of the work – the central, regional, local. Differ in warehouses and on space savings: Warehouse with rather big area of savings (from 5 thousand m2) usually call the terminal. Those who are faced with the export or import of products, significantly aware of the existence of bonded warehouses – Special equipped facilities, which have all chances to save the goods imported into Russia or be exported from Russia. .