Medieval Castle

Court and market on the Bay of Greifswald in Mecklenburg-Mittlealterfeste medieval is there on the weekend of 12 and 13 July in the Bay of Greifswald in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Under the motto of Ludwigsburg anno 1377 “all kinds of craftsmanship in historical tents around to Ludwigsburg Palace presents itself. Join is announced. There is carved with Horn and soapstone, felted jewelry made of silver and amber, weel and forged. There are precious stones, art glass, leather goods, toys, and herbs.

An original program creates even more medieval feel. A Frettchenzirkus excited children. There are pony rides, games, martial arts, theatre, music, belly dancing and it is juggling with fire. Camp life has also basketry, divination, and an Office in stock. In between you can be by the Castle and herb garden. Contact: Gryn AAP music of the middle ages, contact: Sebastian Sack, tel.