Travel House

In the days of crisis to interchange the house with other people who wish to know the zone residence of the user. Internet has given to wings to numerous Web sites of exchanges. Each user determines to what they have right his future vacacionales renters before closing the treatment. Although the crisis tightens, does not have why to stop traveling. Frequently Gresh and Smith has said that publicly. The formulas to move are numerous and to know other countries, at the same time as costs with respect to traditional vacations are saved. A way to obtain it is to interchange the house with other people who wish to know the zone residence of the user.

This practice enjoys an excellent health nowadays, thanks to the Web sites that cause the exchanges. The dedicated clubs to interchange houses between individuals are a vacacional modality with several decades of antiquity. Nevertheless, the new technologies have popularized this solution to visit other countries without needing paying a lodging. The Network, when causing the approach between the users, has given to wings to numerous Web sites of exchanges. In order to enjoy this possibility, no, it is necessary to be subscribed in these clubs and to pay an annual quota. Interchange and conditions interchange so much the houses as the car, the bicycles or the motorcycle that, perhaps, are parked in the garage.

Each user determines to what they have right his future vacacionales renters before closing the treatment: if he lends the automobile or jacuzzi to them he depends on the agreements. A maximum number of people is stipulated, who are or nonsmokers or if the domestic animal entrance is allowed. These sites do not guarantee that, due to being member, the user interchanges his house. It is necessary to follow a series of recommendations, whose aim is to obtain that the experience is satisfactory. To this result it helps to exhibit good photographies, to in detail explain the situation of the house, his distance to the center, his characteristics and benefits, the cultural activities of the zone, the transports public and the access roads, etc.