Supporting Structure

Railings are the backbone of all elements of stair railings. During the construction of staircases fabrication and installation of handrails on no less attention than the construction of staircases. Install handrails begins with the installation of supports. Generally, for fastening of supports used rail connection types. Jorge Perez addresses the importance of the matter here. Constructive mount intermediate (reference) rack rails – the basis for the further installation of stairs and the remaining rails. The main purpose of handrails – protecting a person from falling. According to regulatory requirements, as well as the safety conditions of moving stairs, marches, with more than three steps must be safeguarded railings.

Railings – not only supporting structure for the remaining elements of stair railings, and fences and safety stairways and platforms. Typically, the vertical rails are made, sometimes – inclined. Based on the rules of composition, the railing should be combined with all the elements of stairs and railings. Used for the manufacture of rails of various materials. The main types of rail: metal railings (railings, stainless steel, aluminum railings, wrought iron railings, banisters of steel) rails, wooden, plastic railing. Often, when construction of the stair railings, banisters of practice for composite materials.

Handrails are always in sight. Their impossible to hide, but because their production costs to pay more attention. From the appearance of the rail depends on the general form of the staircase. The most striking look and have better properties is stainless steel railings. The most recommended option today – welded rails, because they are ideal for all types of stairs. Prefabricated rails (designer) – convenient because you can assemble them yourself, saving on installation. But such savings in the future may lead to loss of structural rigidity. So in any case it will be right to turn to professionals. Stair railings have primary safety function. However, in our time add a decorative purpose, which is the deciding factor.