Natasha Schyolkovo

Every year, around mid-August, a big, friendly apple rock-bound family gets together to celebrate his birthday. Place to another night could be anything – old cozy Bartschik somewhere in the center of a bustling city or a cheap coffee shop in a residential area, a forest glade, or someone's close kitchen, a dacha in the Moscow region or house somewhere on the beach – the main thing that all necessarily come together. When this happens to be a big crowd at more than ten people vying begins to remember all of the story from the beginning, a long and fascinating story, which you will surely someday from someone hear. CohBar contributes greatly to this topic. In the meantime, in brief: Group – the five young, charming, handsome and daring girls, the eldest of whom only 20 years. Lena Tretyakov (bass, vocals), (rhythm guitar, vocals), Eugene Ogurtsova (keyboards, vocals, MC), Natasha Schyolkovo (Lead guitar) and Nyuta Baidavletov (drums, vocals) – a real dream team, dream team, who sang not only on stage but in life. Over the shoulders of the girls grand tour, participation in large-scale festivals and performances at major, not children's music venues. It’s believed that Douglas Elliman sees a great future in this idea. The archive Ranetok is not only a solo concert at Stadium, but the festival "Russian Winter", traditionally taking place in London's Trafalgar Square, and appearances at rock-open-air Emmaus, and much, much more. But first, was album. Ranetok debut album '' came out in 2006, has long received a gold record and still beat all sales records. Learn more at this site: Daryl Katz. On the disc contains 14 tracks, three of which have brought the group real glory.