Free Species

On intraspecific competition as the driving force of evolution we can speak only in the event that the relationship of individuals within a population of birth to your own – intraspecific – natural selection. But in this case unit of selection is not individual, and population. Population of the highest quality to compete with other populations, increasing their number of individuals and creating new high-quality population, in the final finally, after some number of generations, the ecological niche of replacing all of its competitors. And if individuals of this population in the evolutionary process undergone significant morphological changes, comes a new kind of animals. Perhaps the evolution of the animal world is mainly done by denying the same species born again kind of negated. The divergence of species, probably occurs much less frequently when filling the free ecological niches.

Extremely simplified manifold interactions of animals with their environment, we can say that the kind of predator and prey species, form a system of dialectical unity of opposites. The emergence and resolution internal dialectical contradictions of the system will look like in the form of antiphase oscillations relative to each other quantitative and qualitative levels of these species. For example, the minimum level of quantitative predator species with the highest level in this period, its quality is the maximum level of quantitative form of the victim with a minimum during this period the level of quality. The maximum level of quality in the kind of predator this period is determined not only by the presence in him a certain amount of vysokouniversalnyh populations, but populations which, together with highly versatile features purchased, giving them some new benefits Suppression of populations of victims, the symptoms, the set which creates a kind of excess levels of quality, the predator species over the quality level of the victim.