Healthcare & Social Media: What Can Be, What?

Students dissect health market – only a transparent gown is a good coat of Cologne, 15.10.2013 only a transparent gown is a good coat. According to this motto, students have the health market with regard to its social media activities on heart and kidney gepru? ft. The results found in the health care & share study 2013 “. Inspired by the HealthShare award 2012, which has been awarded by DocCheck, a team of 41 students of the masters course of electronic media of the media University (HdM) in Stuttgart in the summer dedicated to the healthcare market 2013. With own surveys and interviews with numerous experts they shed light on the Status Quo of the social media strategies by physicians, hospitals & co. It came out are 13 tuition fees.

A genre on topics such as: Social docs, publishers in the change, fitness apps as future trends and further more. “” Also in conflictual issues such as organ donation vs. DKMS “or the Internet as a health consultant” dare the kids. “Above all, the question hovers: as social” is Healthcaremarkt? With more than 10 individual surveys they usually ju could an image of concepts and potential of the average 500? longer people make. The cooperation with DocCheck has allows students to explore the health market at all depth”, as Prof. Harald calibrating plate, initiator of the project. Now the ball is in the players themselves. Inspiration fu? r successful communication concepts offer the contributions of the students enough.

Doccheck the social Medwork networks fu? r a better medicine: through simplified access to scientific content and direct professional exchanges in the community DocCheck health service providers helps to deepen their knowledge and improve their daily work. Over 950,000 registered users medworken”already. Thus, DocCheck is the largest Community fu? r medical professionals in Europe. Almost every second doctor or pharmacist in Germany is a member of the DocCheck and uses our diverse means of communication and information on the topic of healthcare. The main business models by DocCheck include direct marketing via DocCheck news or bMail, research in the field of market research as well as social media based marketing with DocCheck InSite. A growing number of pharmaceutical companies uses the possibility to attract audiences without wastage. (HdM), the Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart media University is a State University and makes specialists around media – by the print to the Internet, from the design to business administration, library science to advertising, content fu? r media to packaging technology, from computer science to the publishing industry and the electronic media. The Department has installed 2007 the master’s degree electronic media electronic media headed by Prof. Harald calibrating plate, which combines the disciplines of media economy, corporate communications and audiovisual media under one roof. The graduates find applications in marketing, PR and media departments of companies of all sizes, portals, TV channels, media and publishing companies, marketers, service providers and Agencies. HealthShare award the health care industry is not just fu? r innovative communication known. One more reason to reward courage and creativity – with the HealthShare award. He rewarded the most creative and innovative social web communication in healthcare. All social media campaigns, actions and strategies in the healthcare environment could be submitted. The HealthShare award is awarded in two categories: classical jury prize and audience award. Angelo mio is full of insight into the issues. Each winner received an award of fu? r the best communication in the social Web.